8X Digital Tube + 8X Key + 8X Double Color LED Module - LKM1638


I am really new to electronics but I do have programming experience. I recently bought an 8X Digital Tube + 8X Key + 8X Double Color LED Module and I am really battling to get something to display. I have searched the internet for any help on how to connect the Arduino UNO to the LED module.

This is the code I am using but nothing appears when executing it:
#include "TM1638.h"// yes you need both
#include "TM1640.h"
// define a module on data pin 7, clock pin 8
TM1640 module(7, 8);
void setup()
// nothing to do here
void loop()
String name = "0123456789012345";
module.setDisplayToString(name, 0b0000000000000000);

Please any help

8X Digital Tube + 8X Key + 8X Double Color LED Module

A what? Can you post a link?


I have searched the internet for any help on how to connect the Arduino UNO to the LED module.

What did you find? How did you connect the thing to the Arduino?

Did you really connect to the happy face pin? Which pin IS that?


There's a link to a library, with a load of example sketches, on that page.