9dof sensor - can see it but get rubbish from it.

This is the first thing I've tried to use on the Arduino so be gentle :slight_smile:

Got a chinese 9dof sensor off ebay for very little which is technically a 10dof. This contains on one unit the following sensors L3G4200D+ADXL3?45+HMC5883L+BM?P085. Its described as a 10DOF L3G4200D+ADXL3?45+HMC5883L+BM?P085 sensor for arduino.

I've got an Arduino uno R3. I've wired up 3.3v to 3.3v, gnd to gnd, A5 to SCL, A5 to 3.3v via 3.3k resistor, A4 to SDA, A4 to 3.3v via a 3.3k resistor.

If i run I2C scanner code I've found i get it reporting 4 devices so in theory I'm detecting the devices and know the addresses. If i try and run any of the applications that people have written to demo these chips I get fixed values irrespective of what i do with the board.

Any suggestions?
Is the board likely to be faulty?

Slight update - just tried something. Unplugged the A5 and A4 and got the same values reported as when i had them connected. Also tried changing the resistors to 4.7k - no difference.

Are you actually getting a response from the components on the board?

If you are getting a response but it is "fixed values", that suggests that the components
are working but you have not set the correct configuration parameters on them.
Some components will default to having measured data for you to read, other
ones you have to set up. Have you read the instructions ?

Unfortunately I didn't get any instructions with the board but tonight, to my embarrassment, i've figured it out.

I hadn't noticed on my new breadboard the power rails had a break in them. I was feeding power at the top of the board and had placed the sensor at the bottom. It never got any power. The 'fixed' values i was getting was actually the Arduino reading ports with an unpowered device connected.

Now it has power it suddenly works!

If you've managed to get it working would you care to post a photo of the hook-up and any mods and the ebay link so others can benefit from your experience? (I'm guessing its from eBay)

So, maybe this one ?

This board combines

· L3G4200D three-axis digital gyroscope
· ADXL345 triaxial accelerometer
· BMP085 pressure sensor
· HMC5883L triple axis magnetometer

It has a I2C interface to communicate to the microprocessor