So I have a 2 buttons, 8 leds and a 1 rgb
So the button 1 function it serves as the switcher it allows me to perform various action whenever i press it then the 8 leds will serve as the function indicator whenever I press the button 1 the led will light up and it means the function is working. The Button 2 serves as the function enabler so whenever I push it it will perform the function of the rgb led light
So example I have an eight functions Function 1: Turn on/off RED light
Function 2: Increase RED light brightness by 5; if already at 255, reset at 0
Function 3: Turn on/off GREEN light
Function 4: Increase GREEN light brightness by 5; if already at 255, reset at 0
Function 5: Turn on/off BLUE light
Function 6: Increase BLUE light brightness by 5; if already at 255, reset at 0
Function 7: Turn on ALL lights, all brightness to 255
Function 8: Turn off ALL lights, all brightness to 0
Btw when I start the device the RGB will not be activated.
My question is how am I going to start it?