A bug for grammar auto checking IDE 2.0. beta 7

If there is an header file problem.
The rest of code will display with unknown errors.
such as "Serial.begin(9600)" will be underlined with a "red wave line".

Even after fixed the header file problem, the "red wave lines" can not be removed automatically.
I have to close the sketch and reopen it then the "red wave lines" will go away.

Is that a bug or I did it wrong?

Please post an example of code that exhibits this problem

I was running this code from online. First I didn't have library "Arduino_APDS9960" installed, so that there were grammar errors everywhere.
After I installed the library, the red wave lines still in the files, I have to reopen the sketch in order to display in right format.

Object color sampler

Samples the color of objects and outputs CSV logfile to serial console

Hardware: Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board.

Usage: Place object of interest to the color sensor

This example code is in the public domain.


#include <Arduino_APDS9960.h>

void setup() {


while (!Serial) {};

if (!APDS.begin()) {

Serial.println("Error initializing APDS9960 sensor.");


// print the header



void loop() {

int r, g, b, c, p;

float sum;

// wait for proximity and color sensor data

while (!APDS.colorAvailable() || !APDS.proximityAvailable()) {}

// read the color and proximity data

APDS.readColor(r, g, b, c);

sum = r + g + b;

p = APDS.readProximity();

// if object is close and well enough illumated

if (p == 0 && c > 10 && sum > 0) {

float redRatio = r / sum;

float greenRatio = g / sum;

float blueRatio = b / sum;

// print the data in CSV format

Serial.print(redRatio, 3);


Serial.print(greenRatio, 3);


Serial.print(blueRatio, 3);




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