I'm struggling with something which I just can't get to the bottom of. When I use Serial.read I can't find a way to read a group of characters together. For example if I upload the following code to Arduino:
int incomingByte = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte = Serial.read();
Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);
..how can I force the arduino to read say 3 characters typed into the Serial Monitor as one whole number?
I'm in the process of establishing communication between a great authoring program called Runtime Revolution and the Arduino and so far I can read sensors and switch things on and off but I can't get PWM to work because of the above problem. For example I need to be able to send 255 as a whole number to get a full PWM and 123 to get half. However at the moment if I send 255 via the Serial Monitor or Runtime Revolution arduino sets the PWM to 2 then 5 and then 5.
// a memory area large enough for our largest expected input token
// plus an extra char for a '\0' string terminator that we'll add
char buffer[4];
int received;
void setup()
// empty (and terminate) the buffer
received = 0;
buffer[received] = '\0';
void loop()
if (Serial.available())
// receive a character at the end of our buffer
// (and terminate the buffer again so it's a string)
buffer[received++] = Serial.read();
buffer[received] = '\0';
// what do we have so far?
Serial.print("buffer contains: [");
Serial.print(buffer); Serial.println("]");
// filled the buffer?
if (received >= (sizeof(buffer)-1))
Serial.print("key received... ");
if (0 == strcmp("EDH"))
Serial.println("invalid! try again");
// empty the buffer or we'll overflow
received = 0;
If you want the input to be treated as a number instead of a literal string like a PIN or PASSCODE, then you can use the standard function atoi() to turn the current buffer string into a numerical value. However, you'll need to know when the user is done typing a number, usually by having the user type a NON-DIGIT afterwards, or making the user type leading zeroes to ensure all input has a fixed number of digits. Otherwise, you'd never be able to enter values like 3 or 62.
Blimey, Thankyou! That looked frighteningly complicated to me but by some sort of miracle I've managed to work it out:
#include <stdlib.h> // needed for atoi
char buffer[4];
int received;
int ledPin = 9;
void setup()
received = 0;
buffer[received] = '\0';
void loop()
if (Serial.available())
buffer[received++] = Serial.read();
buffer[received] = '\0';
if (received >= (sizeof(buffer)-1))
int myInt = atoi(buffer);
analogWrite(ledPin, myInt);
received = 0;
} }
"Leading zeros" - wow that's a brilliant idea and so simple! I intended to ask about terminating characters in my original question but didn't want to complicate things.