Hi Forum,
I am starting a new project and would like to use this forum as part of my back up team.
The project involves the following:
a) A main control unit. (Mega2560 with wifi communication via ESP 01)
b) Remote sensors to measure Humidity and temperature. (AM2302/DHT22) Communication must be
wifi (ESP 01).
A remote string of sensors to measure temperature (DS18B20) They will be in a string connected and
will communicate with a Uno via I2C.
c) A mains switching board that is controlled by a Uno via wifi (ESP 01)
The Mega2560 must be able to send data to a PC for data logging.
I have some experience in programming but I am afraid this is my first wifi project.
And secondly,
I do this as my hobby, so progress might be slow and replies may take a while.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
A remote string of sensors to measure temperature (DS18B20) They will be in a string connected and will communicate with a Uno via I2C.
This is incompletely incoherent and, even if feasible, is almost certainly a really bad idea.
There appears to be nothing you have said that justifies a Mega or a Uno. You can probably do all you need with ESP8266s of one sort or another
Indeed - a single NodeMCU or WeMOS mini will be able to do the same as an Uno/ESP01 combo and much easier to program.
How do you plan the communication to the computer? A Mega can easily send stuff to a computer over the USB interface; a NodeMCU or WeMOS mini gives you a choice of USB or WiFi; and with expansion boards there are a whole host of other options.
Also you have to describe/sketch your sensor clusters much better as I have no idea what you're trying to do, really.