We're getting some action at arduinoexperts.com .. looks like the job market is heating up for Arduino with the internet of things coming in a big way!
All projects are like doable for the most of us Arduino guys.
but there are more takers , just 4 new enlisted jobs with like 70 views / job so on an average so out of 70 views 30-40 minimum would have applied/mailed for the same job , so the job posters are 'Screwed' ] whom to choose.
so on an average so out of 70 views 30-40 minimum would have applied/mailed for the same job
I looked at some of them. They either have ridiculous requirements - you have to live next door to me and hold my hand the whole time - or they are jobs that the poster should be doing - help with my dissertation project.
None of them held any interest for me. I would guess that the same was true of 68+ of the other 70 viewers, and that less than 1 application per job got sent.