A-coups avec moteur pas - pas

Bonjour, j'utilise un moteur NEMA 17HS4023 avec un driver TB6600, le tout est connecté sur un Arduinuino Mega. Pour le test, j'utilise dans ma boucle les instructions habituelles

     digitalWrite(DIR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(PUL, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(PUL, LOW);

et tout fonctionne correctement; et si je fais varier delayms_1, je contrôle la vitesse du moteur.

Le problème : j'ai écrit un logiciel de 800 lignes, incorporant les instructions habituelles pour commander le moteur pas à pas. Pas de problème de compilation, ni de téléversement. Mais, lorsque j'ordonne au moteur de fonctionner, ce dernier avance par à-coups. Je n'arrive pas à trouver pourquoi. Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée ?
Merci de m'aider.

Montrez le dessin du circuit. Montrez le programme.

Bonjour mike-ch

Oui, quand on a un programme de 800 lignes on ne peut pas commander un moteur pas à pas aussi "simplement", il faut passer par une bibliothèque comme AccelStepper qui va "gérer" les pas en tâche de fond.

Mets ton programme en ligne.


J'ai apporté des modifications de « sortie » à votre programme d'origine. Il ne s'imprime que lorsqu'il y a de nouvelles informations. Pour trouver toutes mes entrées, cherchez « OLD »

#include <math.h>  // Include math library for exponential and logarithmic functions

// ---------------------------
// Pin Definitions
// ---------------------------
const int photoresistorPinDx = A1;  // Right photoresistor connected to analog pin A1
const int photoresistorPinSx = A0;  // Left photoresistor connected to analog pin A0
const int trigPin = 7;              // Trig pin connected to digital pin 7
const int echoPin = 6;              // Echo pin connected to digital pin 6

// Motor control pins connected to IN1-IN4 of the MX1508 motor driver
const int motorIn1 = 9;
const int motorIn2 = 10;
const int motorIn3 = 3;
const int motorIn4 = 5;

const int switchPin = A5;           // Switch connected to analog pin A5
const int statusLedPin = 13;        // Status LED connected to digital pin 13

// ---------------------------
// Behavior Constants
// ---------------------------
const int LOVE = 1;
const int FEAR = 2;
const int AGGRESSION = 3;
const int ALIVENESS = 4;

// Behavior Variable
int behavior = 0;  // Initially no behavior selected

// ---------------------------
// State Machine
// ---------------------------
enum State { OFF, STANDBY, RUNNING };
State currentState = STANDBY;  // Start in STANDBY mode

// ---------------------------
// Constants and Variables
// ---------------------------
const int distanceThreshold = 10; // Threshold distance in cm to stop the motors

int rawSensorValueDx = 0;       // Raw value from the right photoresistor (0-1023)
int normalizedValueDx = 0;      // Normalized right photoresistor value
int rawSensorValueSx = 0;       // Raw value from the left photoresistor (0-1023)
int normalizedValueSx = 0;      // Normalized left photoresistor value

long duration = 0;            // Time taken by the ultrasonic pulse (microseconds)
int distance = 0;             // Calculated distance from the sensor (cm)

int motorSpeedDx = 0;           // Right motor speed (-255 to 255)
int motorSpeedSx = 0;           // Left motor speed (-255 to 255)

float voltage = 0.0;          // Voltage at voltagePin
// float current = 0.0;          // Current flowing through the motor (Removed)

// Button Timing Variables
unsigned long buttonPressStartTime = 0;
bool buttonPreviouslyPressed = false;
unsigned long lastButtonPressTime = 0;
int buttonPressCount = 0;
const unsigned long buttonPressTimeWindow = 1500; // 1.5 seconds time window for counting presses
const unsigned long shortPressThreshold = 1000;   // 1 second for short press
const unsigned long longPressThreshold = 3000;    // 3 seconds for long press

// Calibration Constants
const int normalizationOffset = 300; // Adjust based on calibration
const int maxAverageLight = 600;     // Adjust based on calibration
const float scalingFactor = 1.2;     // 20% speed increase
const int minSpeed = 100;            // Minimum motor speed

// Turn Constants
const int turnSpeed = 150;           // Speed for turning (Adjust as needed)
const unsigned long turnDuration = 500; // Duration to turn 90 degrees in milliseconds (Adjust based on testing)

// Direction Inversion Flags
const bool invertMotorA = false; // Set to true to invert Motor A direction
const bool invertMotorB = false; // Set to true to invert Motor B direction

// ---------------------------
// Function Prototypes
// ---------------------------
void stopMotors();
void setMotorA(int speed);
void setMotorB(int speed);
void blinkLed();
void turnLeft90();  // New function for turning left 90 degrees

// ---------------------------
// Setup Function
// ---------------------------
void setup()
  // Initialize Serial Communication at 9600 baud rate
  Serial.println("Motor Control Initialized");

  // Initialize motor pins as OUTPUT
  pinMode(motorIn1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorIn2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorIn3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorIn4, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize ultrasonic sensor pins
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);    // Trig pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);     // Echo pin as INPUT

  // Initialize switch and LED pins
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(statusLedPin, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize state to STANDBY
  currentState = STANDBY;
  Serial.println("System started in STANDBY mode.");

  // Set initial motor pins to LOW
  digitalWrite(motorIn1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorIn2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorIn3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorIn4, LOW);

// ---------------------------
// Function to Stop Motors
// ---------------------------
void stopMotors() {
  digitalWrite(motorIn1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorIn2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorIn3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorIn4, LOW);

// ---------------------------
// Functions to Control Motors
// ---------------------------
void setMotorA(int speed) {
  // Invert speed if inversion flag is true
  if (invertMotorA) {
    speed = -speed;

  if (speed > 0) {
    // Forward
    analogWrite(motorIn1, speed);   // PWM speed control
    digitalWrite(motorIn2, LOW);
  } else if (speed < 0) {
    // Reverse
    digitalWrite(motorIn1, LOW);
    analogWrite(motorIn2, -speed);  // PWM speed control
  } else {
    // Stop motor
    digitalWrite(motorIn1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorIn2, LOW);

void setMotorB(int speed) {
  // Invert speed if inversion flag is true
  if (invertMotorB) {
    speed = -speed;

  if (speed > 0) {
    // Forward
    analogWrite(motorIn3, speed);   // PWM speed control
    digitalWrite(motorIn4, LOW);
  } else if (speed < 0) {
    // Reverse
    digitalWrite(motorIn3, LOW);
    analogWrite(motorIn4, -speed);  // PWM speed control
  } else {
    // Stop motor
    digitalWrite(motorIn3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorIn4, LOW);

// ---------------------------
// Blink LED Function
// ---------------------------
void blinkLed()
  static unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
  static bool ledState = false;
  const unsigned long interval = 500; // Blink interval in ms

  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval)
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    ledState = !ledState;
    digitalWrite(statusLedPin, ledState ? HIGH : LOW);

// ---------------------------
// Turn Left 90 Degrees Function
// ---------------------------
void turnLeft90() {
  Serial.println("Initiating 90-degree left turn.");

  // Set motors to turn left
  setMotorA(-turnSpeed); // Left motor backward
  setMotorB(turnSpeed);  // Right motor forward

  delay(turnDuration);   // Duration to turn 90 degrees (calibrate as needed)

  stopMotors();          // Stop motors after turning
  Serial.println("90-degree left turn completed.");

// ---------------------------
// Loop Function
// ---------------------------
int OLDbuttonState,

void loop()
  // Read the switch state
  int buttonState = digitalRead(switchPin);

  if (OLDcurrentState != currentState) {
    OLDcurrentState = currentState;
    // Print the current state
    Serial.print("Current State: ");
    if (currentState == OFF) Serial.println("OFF");
    else if (currentState == STANDBY) Serial.println("STANDBY");
    else if (currentState == RUNNING) Serial.println("RUNNING");

  if (OLDbuttonState != buttonState) {
    OLDbuttonState = buttonState;
    // Print the switch state
    Serial.print("Switch State: ");
    if (buttonState == LOW) Serial.println("PRESSED");
    else Serial.println("RELEASED");
  if (currentState == STANDBY)
    // Blink the LED connected to statusLedPin

    // Button handling in STANDBY mode
    if (buttonState == LOW)  // Assuming LOW means pressed
      if (!buttonPreviouslyPressed)
        // Button was just pressed
        buttonPressStartTime = millis();
        buttonPreviouslyPressed = true;
        Serial.println("Button Pressed.");
        // Button is being held
        unsigned long buttonHoldTime = millis() - buttonPressStartTime;
        if (buttonHoldTime >= longPressThreshold)
          // Long press detected, switch to OFF state
          currentState = OFF;
          buttonPreviouslyPressed = false;
          Serial.println("Long Press Detected. Switching to OFF state.");
          // Turn off LED
          digitalWrite(statusLedPin, LOW);
          // Reset variables
          buttonPressCount = 0;
      if (buttonPreviouslyPressed)
        // Button was just released
        unsigned long buttonPressDuration = millis() - buttonPressStartTime;
        if (buttonPressDuration < shortPressThreshold)
          // Short press detected
          lastButtonPressTime = millis();
          Serial.print("Short Press Detected. Count: ");
        // Reset
        buttonPreviouslyPressed = false;
        Serial.println("Button Released.");

    // Process button presses for behavior selection
    if (buttonPressCount > 0 && (millis() - lastButtonPressTime > buttonPressTimeWindow))
      // Time window expired, select behavior
      if (buttonPressCount == 1)
        behavior = LOVE;
        Serial.println("Behavior Selected: LOVE");
      else if (buttonPressCount == 2)
        behavior = FEAR;
        Serial.println("Behavior Selected: FEAR");
      else if (buttonPressCount == 3)
        behavior = AGGRESSION;
        Serial.println("Behavior Selected: AGGRESSION");
      else if (buttonPressCount == 4)
        behavior = ALIVENESS;
        Serial.println("Behavior Selected: ALIVENESS");
        // Invalid number of presses, do nothing
        behavior = 0;
        Serial.println("Invalid number of button presses.");

      if (behavior != 0)
        currentState = RUNNING;
        // Turn on the LED
        digitalWrite(statusLedPin, HIGH);
        Serial.println("Switching to RUNNING state.");

      // Reset buttonPressCount
      buttonPressCount = 0;

    // In STANDBY, no motors should be running
  else if (currentState == RUNNING)
    // Check if the button is pressed to go back to STANDBY
    if (buttonState == LOW && !buttonPreviouslyPressed)
      // Button pressed, go back to STANDBY
      currentState = STANDBY;
      // Turn off the LED
      digitalWrite(statusLedPin, LOW);
      // Reset behavior
      behavior = 0;
      // Reset button variables
      buttonPreviouslyPressed = true;
      Serial.println("Button Pressed. Returning to STANDBY Mode.");
      // Stop motors
    else if (buttonState == HIGH && buttonPreviouslyPressed)
      // Button released
      buttonPreviouslyPressed = false;
      Serial.println("Button Released.");

    // Perform the selected behavior
    // ---------------------------
    // Ultrasonic Sensor Reading
    // ---------------------------

    // Clear the trigPin by setting it LOW for 2 microseconds
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

    // Trigger the sensor by setting the trigPin HIGH for 10 microseconds
    digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

    // Read the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
    duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH, 30000);  // Timeout after 30ms to prevent blocking

    // ---------------------------
    // Inserted Debugging Code
    // ---------------------------
    if (duration == 0) {
      Serial.println("Timeout: No echo detected.");
    // ---------------------------

    // Calculate the distance (in cm)
    distance = duration * 0.0343 / 2; // Speed of sound wave divided by 2 (go and back)

    if (OLDdistance != distance) {
      OLDdistance = distance;
      // Print ultrasonic sensor reading
      Serial.print("Ultrasonic Distance: ");
      Serial.println(" cm");

    // ---------------------------
    // Obstacle Detection and Motor Control
    // ---------------------------
    if (distance > 0 && distance < distanceThreshold)
      // Obstacle detected within threshold distance, stop the motors
      motorSpeedDx = 0;
      motorSpeedSx = 0;

      if (OLDdistance != distance) {
        // Print status to Serial Monitor
        Serial.print("Obstacle detected! Distance: ");
        Serial.println(" cm. Motors stopped.");

      // Perform a 90-degree left turn
      // No obstacle, proceed with normal operation

      // ---------------------------
      // Photoresistor Reading and Normalization
      // ---------------------------
      rawSensorValueDx = analogRead(photoresistorPinDx);  // Read raw value from right photoresistor
      rawSensorValueSx = analogRead(photoresistorPinSx);  // Read raw value from left photoresistor

      // Normalize the sensor values by subtracting the offset
      normalizedValueDx = rawSensorValueDx - normalizationOffset;
      normalizedValueSx = rawSensorValueSx - normalizationOffset;

      // Ensure the normalized values are not negative
      normalizedValueDx = max(normalizedValueDx, 0);
      normalizedValueSx = max(normalizedValueSx, 0);

      if (OLDrawSensorValueDx != rawSensorValueDx || OLDnormalizedValueDx != normalizedValueDx || OLDrawSensorValueSx != rawSensorValueSx) {
        OLDrawSensorValueDx = rawSensorValueDx;
        OLDnormalizedValueDx = normalizedValueDx;
        OLDrawSensorValueSx = rawSensorValueSx;
        // Print photoresistor readings
        Serial.print("Photoresistor Dx Raw: ");
        Serial.print(", Normalized: ");
        Serial.print(" | Photoresistor Sx Raw: ");
        Serial.print(", Normalized: ");

      // ---------------------------
      // Behavior Logic
      // ---------------------------
      int averageLight = (normalizedValueDx + normalizedValueSx) / 2;
      int error = normalizedValueDx - normalizedValueSx;  // Difference between right and left sensor readings

      int baseSpeed = 0;
      int adjustment = 0;

      // Constrain averageLight to prevent overflow in map()
      averageLight = constrain(averageLight, 0, maxAverageLight);

      if (behavior == LOVE)
        // LOVE behavior: Motors speed decreases as light intensity increases
        baseSpeed = 255 - map(averageLight, 0, maxAverageLight, 0, 255);
        baseSpeed = baseSpeed * scalingFactor;
        baseSpeed = constrain(baseSpeed, minSpeed, 255); // Apply minimum speed

        adjustment = (error * baseSpeed) / (2 * maxAverageLight);  // Proportional adjustment based on error
        motorSpeedDx = baseSpeed - adjustment;
        motorSpeedSx = baseSpeed + adjustment;
      else if (behavior == FEAR)
        // FEAR behavior: Motors speed increases as light intensity increases
        baseSpeed = map(averageLight, 0, maxAverageLight, 0, 255);
        baseSpeed = baseSpeed * scalingFactor;
        baseSpeed = constrain(baseSpeed, minSpeed, 255); // Apply minimum speed

        adjustment = (error * baseSpeed) / (2 * maxAverageLight);
        motorSpeedDx = baseSpeed + adjustment;
        motorSpeedSx = baseSpeed - adjustment;
      else if (behavior == AGGRESSION)
        // AGGRESSION behavior: Motors speed inversely related to light intensity
        baseSpeed = map(averageLight, 0, maxAverageLight, 255, 0);
        baseSpeed = baseSpeed * scalingFactor;
        baseSpeed = constrain(baseSpeed, minSpeed, 255); // Apply minimum speed

        adjustment = (error * baseSpeed) / (2 * maxAverageLight);
        motorSpeedDx = baseSpeed - adjustment;
        motorSpeedSx = baseSpeed + adjustment;
      else if (behavior == ALIVENESS)
        // ALIVENESS behavior: Step function with three intervals
        if (averageLight <= (maxAverageLight / 3))  // 1/3 of maxAverageLight
          // First third: exponential increase
          float x = (float)averageLight / (maxAverageLight / 3.0);  // Normalize to 0-1
          float y = (exp(3 * x) - 1) / (exp(3) - 1);  // Exponential curve
          baseSpeed = (int)(y * 255);
        else if (averageLight <= (2 * maxAverageLight / 3))  // 2/3 of maxAverageLight
          // Middle third: maximum speed
          baseSpeed = 255;
          // Last third: decreasing logarithmic function
          float x = (float)(averageLight - (2 * maxAverageLight / 3)) / (maxAverageLight / 3.0);  // Normalize to 0-1
          float y = 1 - (log(9 * x + 1) / log(10));        // Logarithmic decrease
          baseSpeed = (int)(y * 255);
        baseSpeed = baseSpeed * scalingFactor;
        baseSpeed = constrain(baseSpeed, minSpeed, 255); // Apply minimum speed

        adjustment = (error * baseSpeed) / (2 * maxAverageLight);
        motorSpeedDx = baseSpeed - adjustment;
        motorSpeedSx = baseSpeed + adjustment;
        // Default behavior: Stop the motors if no behavior is selected
        motorSpeedDx = 0;
        motorSpeedSx = 0;

      // ---------------------------
      // Constrain Motor Speeds
      // ---------------------------
      motorSpeedDx = constrain(motorSpeedDx, -255, 255); // Ensure motor speed is within -255 to 255
      motorSpeedSx = constrain(motorSpeedSx, -255, 255);

      // ---------------------------
      // Set Motor Speeds
      // ---------------------------
      setMotorB(motorSpeedDx); // Right motor
      setMotorA(motorSpeedSx); // Left motor

      // Print motor speeds
      if (OLDmotorSpeedDx != motorSpeedDx || OLDmotorSpeedSx != motorSpeedSx) {
        OLDmotorSpeedDx = motorSpeedDx;
        OLDmotorSpeedSx = motorSpeedSx;
        Serial.print("Motor Speeds - Dx: ");
        Serial.print(", Sx: ");

      // ---------------------------
      // Voltage Measurement (Commented Out)
      // ---------------------------
      //int voltageRaw = analogRead(voltagePin); // Read raw voltage value from voltage divider
      //voltage = (voltageRaw * (5.0 / 1023.0)) * 2; // Multiply by 2 because of voltage divider

      // Print voltage
      //Serial.print("Voltage: ");
      //Serial.println(" V");

    // Delay at the end of RUNNING state loop
    delay(100);  // Adjust as necessary
diagram.json in wokwi.com
  "version": 1,
  "author": "Anonymous maker",
  "editor": "wokwi",
  "parts": [
    { "type": "wokwi-arduino-nano", "id": "nano", "top": 4.8, "left": -0.5, "attrs": {} },
    { "type": "wokwi-potentiometer", "id": "pot1", "top": -1.3, "left": 201.4, "attrs": {} },
    { "type": "wokwi-potentiometer", "id": "pot2", "top": -1.3, "left": 278.2, "attrs": {} },
    { "type": "wokwi-hc-sr04", "id": "ultrasonic1", "top": -142.5, "left": 216.7, "attrs": {} },
      "type": "wokwi-led",
      "id": "led1",
      "top": -145.2,
      "left": 169.8,
      "rotate": 90,
      "attrs": { "color": "green" }
      "type": "wokwi-led",
      "id": "led2",
      "top": -126,
      "left": 169.8,
      "rotate": 90,
      "attrs": { "color": "white" }
      "type": "wokwi-led",
      "id": "led3",
      "top": -106.8,
      "left": 169.8,
      "rotate": 90,
      "attrs": { "color": "red" }
      "type": "wokwi-led",
      "id": "led4",
      "top": -106.8,
      "left": -46.6,
      "rotate": 270,
      "attrs": { "color": "red", "flip": "1" }
      "type": "wokwi-led",
      "id": "led5",
      "top": -126,
      "left": -46.6,
      "rotate": 270,
      "attrs": { "color": "white", "flip": "1" }
      "type": "wokwi-led",
      "id": "led6",
      "top": -145.2,
      "left": -46.6,
      "rotate": 270,
      "attrs": { "color": "green", "flip": "1" }
      "type": "wokwi-pushbutton",
      "id": "btn1",
      "top": 111.8,
      "left": 19.2,
      "attrs": { "color": "green" }
  "connections": [
    [ "pot1:GND", "nano:GND.1", "black", [ "v19.2", "h-76.8" ] ],
    [ "pot1:SIG", "nano:A0", "green", [ "v28.8", "h-144.4" ] ],
    [ "pot2:SIG", "nano:A1", "green", [ "v38.4", "h-240.4" ] ],
    [ "pot1:VCC", "nano:5V", "red", [ "v48", "h-96.8" ] ],
    [ "pot2:GND", "nano:GND.1", "black", [ "v19.2", "h-163.2" ] ],
    [ "pot2:VCC", "nano:5V", "red", [ "v48", "h-192.8" ] ],
    [ "ultrasonic1:TRIG", "nano:7", "green", [ "v19.2", "h-154" ] ],
    [ "ultrasonic1:ECHO", "nano:6", "green", [ "v28.8", "h-192.8" ] ],
    [ "ultrasonic1:VCC", "nano:5V", "red", [ "v9.6", "h-134.4" ] ],
    [ "ultrasonic1:GND", "nano:GND.1", "black", [ "v38.4", "h-154.8" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "led3:C", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "led2:C", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "led1:C", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:3", "led3:A", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:5", "led1:A", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "led4:C", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "led5:C", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "led6:C", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:10", "led4:A", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:11", "led6:A", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:GND.1", "btn1:1.r", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:A5", "btn1:2.r", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
    [ "nano:13", "led5:A", "green", [ "v9.6", "h-19.2", "v-86.4", "h57.6", "v-86.4" ] ],
    [ "led5:A", "led2:A", "green", [ "h0" ] ]
  "dependencies": {}

Bonjour à tous, le logiciel est un ensemble de procédures destinées à gérer et programmer un pont tournant pour locomotives. Ce qui m'étonne, c'est que ça a très bien fonctionné, sauf un petit souci lorsque l'utilisateur demandait la voie 0 (c'est cette position qui est utilisée comme référence). Chez moi, c'était correct, mais chez l'un de mes clients, le pont s'arrêtait quelques degrés avant la détection. Donc, j'ai modifié le logiciel, de façon que, lors de la demande de la voie 0, ce soit la procédure d'initialisation (donc utilisation du capteur optique) qui soit utilisée (et non plus le calcul du nombre de pas restants pour revenir à la voie 0). Et depuis cette modification, non seulement la nouvelle version du logiciel fait que le moteur qui actionne le pont tournant avance (ou recule) avec des à-coups, mais lorsque je remets l'ancienne version du logiciel, les à-coups sont toujours présents (alors que ce n'était pas le cas auparavant). Je vais tenter un dépannage "à l'ancienne", en reprenant séparément chaque procédure gérant le mouvement du pont tournant; il doit bien y avoir quelque chose qui ne va pas. Merci quand même pour votre aide.

Bonjour mike-ch

Les distances sont les mêmes sur les 2 installations?
Si c'est plus court chez toi et plus long le client, on pourrait incriminer une variable mal dimentionnée, trop petite pour contenir la valeur.

Peut être que l'installation du "début de course" a provoqué un problème de câblage?
C'est surprenant que le retour à une version sans problème, le problème persiste.

Il faut mettre des Serial.println( un peu partout pour coincer l'intru :wink:
