A/D Pin number conflict

I'm sure there's a very simple answer to this but I just can't seem to find it anywhere so forgive me if I'm asking a stupid question.

If for instance I want to set digital pin 5 as an output and analog pin 5 as an input using the pinMode command in setup, the Arduino seems to think they're the same pin on the board. How do I specify whether I want the analog or digital pin when they have the same number?
Here is a section of the code I've written-

int seg[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
int t = 0;
int potpin = 5;
long prevMillis = 0;
int count = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(seg[0], OUTPUT);
pinMode(seg[1], OUTPUT);
pinMode(seg[2], OUTPUT);
pinMode(seg[3], OUTPUT);
pinMode(seg[4], OUTPUT);
pinMode(seg[5], OUTPUT);
pinMode(seg[6], OUTPUT);
pinMode(potpin, INPUT);

pinMode only works on digital pins, you don't set analog pins as inputs or outputs.

Thanks alot. Problem solved. I knew it had to be something really simple.

the person stating pinMode doesn't work for analog input pins is correct the context of analog input, but it might be worth mentioning the following...

  1. the analog pins 0-5 can also be used as digital pins 14-19

  2. you can use digitalWrite to a set an input pin HIGH or LOW. This controls the pullup resistor on each pin.

this doesn't so much matter with regards to the problem experienced by the OP.

pinMode(seg[3], OUTPUT); // this sets digital pin 5 to output
pinMode(potpin, INPUT); // this sets digital pin 5 to input

so to recap,

a) analog inputs work as inputs automatically
b) pinMode is only for setting the mode of a DIGITAL pin
c) analog pins 0-5 can be used as digital pins 14-19
d) the pullup resistor of a digital input pin can be enabled/disabled by setting the input pin HIGH/LOW with digitalWrite