I'm trying to make a joystick from an arduino uno r3. I so far have this code
/* Delayed Fight Stick
Alan Chatham - 2012
This code uses the UnoJoy library to implement a fight stick
that has a 1 second delay between when it recieves the input
and when it delivers that data to the console.
It utilizes a ring buffer, where the input from the buttons
is stored just behind where the output is drawn from, so
the output will always be the least-fresh data available.
In this way, every command the controller reads is preserved
and sent out, just with a lag depending on the controller's
rate of button polling and the size of the buffer.
#include "UnoJoy.h"
// This is the lag amount, in milliseconds
const int InputDuration = 0;
// These are the pin definitions for the
// input buttons and sticks.
byte SquarePin = 4;
byte TrianglePin = 5;
byte CirclePin = 6;
byte CrossPin = 7;
byte StartPin = 8;
byte LEDPin = 2;
byte SpeakerPin = 3;
byte SyncPin = 9;
byte NavModePin = 10;
byte LeftStickXPin = A0;
byte LeftStickYPin = A1;
byte RightStickXPin = A2;
byte RightStickYPin = A3;
const int ControllerUpdateRate = 20;
const int RingBufferSize = InputDuration / ControllerUpdateRate;
dataForController_t ControllerDataRingBuffer[RingBufferSize];
int InputDataIndex = 0;
int OutputDataIndex = 0;
void setup(){
// Set up button pins as input, internal pull-up on
pinMode(SquarePin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(SquarePin, HIGH);
pinMode(TrianglePin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(TrianglePin, HIGH);
pinMode(CirclePin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(CirclePin, HIGH);
pinMode(CrossPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(CrossPin, HIGH);
pinMode(StartPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(StartPin, HIGH);
pinMode(NavModePin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(NavModePin, HIGH);
// Set up our LED pin as an output
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
// Set up our sync pin
pinMode(SyncPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(SyncPin, HIGH);
// Set up our ring buffer with zeroed controller data packets
for (int i = 0; i < RingBufferSize; i++){
ControllerDataRingBuffer[i] = getBlankDataForController();
void loop(){
if (digitalRead(NavModePin) == LOW){
dataForController_t readController(){
dataForController_t controllerData = getBlankDataForController();
if (digitalRead(SquarePin) == LOW)
controllerData.squareOn = 1;
if (digitalRead(TrianglePin) == LOW)
controllerData.triangleOn = 1;
if (digitalRead(CirclePin) == LOW)
controllerData.circleOn = 1;
if (digitalRead(CrossPin) == LOW)
controllerData.crossOn = 1;
if (digitalRead(StartPin) == LOW)
controllerData.startOn = 1;
controllerData.leftStickX = analogRead(LeftStickXPin) >> 2;
controllerData.leftStickY = analogRead(LeftStickYPin) >> 2;
controllerData.rightStickX = analogRead(RightStickXPin) >> 2;
controllerData.rightStickY = analogRead(RightStickYPin) >> 2;
return controllerData;
(I hope that posted correctly)
These are the errors I'm getting
Arduino: 1.8.7 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"
D:\Documents\Arduino\Turn_Based_Fight_Stick_Master_Edited\Turn_Based_Fight_Stick_Master_Edited.ino: In function 'void setup()':
Turn_Based_Fight_Stick_Master_Edited:68:12: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
void loop(){
Turn_Based_Fight_Stick_Master_Edited:95:1: error: expected '}' at end of input
exit status 1
a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
I've checked all the brackets and they looked good. If someone can please point me in the right direction here.