a good (cheap )sensor to detect a jostling

Hi all, I am still new to this land of circuits and sensors. I am wondering if there is a sensor out there that is good at detecting when the unit it is attached to is jostled (slightly even). I thought of an accelerometer but the ones I found on places such as sparkfun seem sort of expensive. Is there other (cheaper) sensors that would get the job done? almost thought about ir transceiver and receiver pointing at each other on springs... or something. Like I said just new here and getting ideas whats out there I might not of thought of yet.

A microphone? Or a speaker wired up like a microphone?

Or just a metal sphere located between some wires such that it will only touch them if there is some displacement?

Or just google for "tilt sensor" to find stuff like this: http://www.ladyada.net/learn/sensors/tilt.html

ahhhh "tilt sensor" that's what im looking for thanks!