A Google search that came up good

With an amount of trepidation I put these words into a Google search

Female header bottom entry

And all I got were connectors - what is the Internet coming to these days?

I did and they were all connectors of roughly the right sort.

Female header bottom entry

Living on the edge with that kind of search.

I plugged the terms into Bing Image (I like Bing for image searches) and with the default SafeSearch setting, got mostly connectors with a few G-rated group photos. I then turned SafeSearch off, and in addition to the connectors, got a few pictures of what you were expecting :slight_smile: . I don't think you can turn Google's SafeSearch equivalent fully off anymore.

EDIT: Just tried Google Images. Got a few pictures of women in their undies, but nothing that you wouldn't find on a kids' TV show these days Checked Safe Search (google uses the same name for the feature) and it was already off.

Maybe Google knows what sort of porn I normally look for. :slight_smile:

Do you have SafeSearch turned on?

Maybe Google knows what sort of porn I normally look for. :slight_smile:

I can see only one hit.


Do you have SafeSearch turned on?


I can see only one hit.

That is odd, I don't get that picture at all. Maybe as I said google is tailoring what it offers from previous search history.

Hum :wink:

Connectors do seem to be involved.

I can see only one hit.


That is a pretty foxy ZIF. Easy to get in but tight when the squeeze is on.