I can't compile the basic startup sketch for my Arduino Due since I get this compiler error
In file included from sketch_jan17a.ino:1:0:
C:\Users\Jan Work\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\sam\1.6.5\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:42:18: fatal error: chip.h: No such file or directory #include <chip.h>
compilation terminated.
Error compiling.
What is this file chip.h . It's not on my computer. I would expect all needed files to be present if I install everything correctly. I only have this problem with Due not with Uno or Mega boards. My Due board seem correctly installed and having the correct drivers.
K i got it now...
I use the Visual Micro Plugin for Visual Studio 2015 and installed the Due Board over the Visual Micro Explorer/Managed Boards. It seems that somehow the installation with the Visual Micro Plugin (Version 1603.30.4) is corrupt. Now I installed the Due Board with the Arduino IDE's Board Manager and finaly it works.
I Attached some Pictures which shows the old way in Visual Micro and the working way in Arduino IDE
chip.h is part of libsam, and should be in .../hardware/sam/1.6.11/system/libsam/chip.h
(libsam is really obslete, replaced by CMSIS and/or ASF and/or START in non-Arduino environments.)
If the Arduino IDE is giving you this error, it probably means you have a remnant of an old version of the IDE around that needs to be deleted so that a fresh install can work.