A new optical sensor (Motion tracking)

Hi everyone, I recently did a small production run of a sensor board I designed. It uses the ADNS-3050 which is a small camera for motion tracking in computer mice. It easily communicates with an Arduino over SPI and I have a few code examples available here:GitHub - Tom101222/Adns-3050-Optical-Sensor: Board and library for Adns 3050 sensor

The basic explanation of it is

  1. Take a picture
  2. Take a second picture
  3. Onboard microcontroller calculates the change in the X and Y axis by comparing the two pictures

It does all that by itself, all the user needs to do is read the DELTAX and DELTAY registers and then convert from twos compliment. This is all taken care of in my examples which also includes a handy little library.


I have it listed for sale on tindie here: https://www.tindie.com/products/tom10122/adns-3050-sensor-board/

I am also working on a few more projects and examples with it so the GitHub will get some additions in the coming weeks.