A Newbie Question,using analog input as  Std input

I have done a search on the forum and i cannot find the answer i am looking for, please excuse me if i have missed it elswhere.

I am doing a project using a Seeeduino, which has 14 standard I/O and 6 Analog inputs, my project uses 5 motors with opto coupler feedback on 4 motors, and analog feedback on the 5th motor.

To save using all of my I/O on opto coupler feedback, can my analog inputs be used to count pulses from the opto's, or to put it another way, can the analog inputs be configured in such a way that they are seen as standard I/O to count pulses?

The 5th motor as mentioned above would have analog feedback and i would like to preserve the serial TX/RX facility if possible.


Did you look at the language referenve for analogRead?

Im completely new to the Arduino, I have lots of experience though with pics, both in code and basic.

Please explain?


My apologies, it is under 'digitalRead'.
Go to www.arduino.cc.
Click on the tab labelled 'reference', then scroll to 'digitalRead', and read what it says about analogue pins.