I just bought Arduino.
The problem is that every time I try to run a program I get a console message says:
"avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding".
I tried so much stuff but that still doesn't work... Can someone help me?
what program are you running ?
what circuit have you built ?
nobody can guess or help troubleshoot unless you show a schematic or layout of what you have done.
what program are you running ?
what circuit have you built ?nobody can guess or help troubleshoot unless you show a schematic or layout of what you have done.
I'm not sure that there is a problem in the circuit or the script because I built it from a tutorial and got the script from elegoo's website.
You can get the tutorial of the script and the robot from this link:
Download the tutorial called: "Elegoo Smart Robot Car Kit V3.0 2017 New Version".
Download the tutorial called: "Elegoo Smart Robot Car Kit V3.0 2017 New Version".
if you want ppl to help, you need to make an effort yourself - asking ppl to download from websites they do not know is not going to get you far.
you should post the code yourself in [ code ] tags.
Read the forum guidelines.
I'm not sure that there is a problem in the circuit or the script because I built it from a tutorial and got the script from elegoo's website.
if you are not sure, how can ppl who want to help, be sure ?!
what connections do you have between Arduino and the computer ?
what IDE are you using ?