A programmer is required to upload- AVR-IoT Cellular Mini, DxCore, Curiosity Nano Programmer selected

I recently got a AVR-IoT Cellular Mini,

I have installed DxCore, and have the settings set to:

I can't upload a sketch to the board,

A programmer is required to upload

Even though I selected Curiosity nano......

Here are the settings that Microchip provided(available at the first link):

  • Set the Board to AVR DB-Series (no bootloader)
    • Tools -> Board -> DxCore -> AVR DB-series (no bootloader)
  • Set the Chip to AVR128DB48
    • Tools -> Chip -> AVR128DB48
  • Set the Wire Library mode to 2x Wire, Master or Slave
    • Tools -> Wire Library mode -> 2x Wire, Master or Slave
  • Set the Port to the port the device is at (for more information, look here).
    • Tools -> Port -> your device port
  • Set the Programmer to Curiosity Nano
    • Tools -> Programmer -> Curiosity Nano
  • Optional: Set printf() to Full to be able to print floats
    • Tools -> printf() -> Full, 2.6k, prints floats

I probably made a silly mistake somewhere........
IDE 2.x.x
Might try with IDE 1
Thank you.

Hi @v205. You must select Tools > Upload Using Programmer when uploading to this board. The error you got occurs when you do a normal "Upload" operation.

The AVR-IoT Cellular Mini board has an integrated programmer which is used to upload to the primary microcontroller.

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Thank you!
I did not realize that, I'll try in <10 mins and report back

Solved, it seems like the path is Sketch > Upload Using Programmer though.
(might be for Mac or something)
Thank you!

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