First off all, i'm new here so bare with me
I have this question;
I am working on a fully automated temperature control for my snakes.
I decided to work with Arduino Uno as it is fairy simple to understand compared to
other modules on the market.
Now i was wondering if it's possible, to read the temp values with, and write to
arduino if needed to activate the relays.
Yes, it's possible. A popular choice of temperature sensor is the DS18B20. Here's a link to a tutorial on using it: Using a DS18B20 Temperature sensor with an Arduino- ar3ne1tt. The arduino can take care of reading the temp and use a relay to turn a heater on. There's no particular need to run anything on a PC unless you want to log the heating activity.
Now i was wondering if it's possible, to read the temp values with, and write to
arduino if needed to activate the relays.
Yes, it is.
An example would be geat!!
There are examples posted almost daily. YOU need to spend some time searching. The Arduino and the PC are going to communicate via the serial port, if you need a keyword clue.
After I've done some homework, i found out how.
Thanks for sharing!
One last question, maybe some of you are familiar with this issue;
I made my Arduino funcion as a Thermostat.
The temp readings works good untill the relays switches, the temperature remains
above normal after the coil is powered.
Is this because the relays consumes too much power for the temp-sensor to remain accurate?
Both components are wired to the 5v arduino pin.
Thanks in advance, and my appologies in advance for bad english
int temperaturePin = 0;
int klik = 2;
void setup()
 pinMode (klik, OUTPUT);
void loop()Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
float temperature = getVoltage(temperaturePin);Â
temperature = (temperature - .5) * 100;Â Â Â Â Â
Serial.println(temperature);Â Â Â
if (temperature > 24.00) Â Â
  digitalWrite (klik, HIGH);
 else if ((temperature < 24.00))Â
  digitalWrite (klik, LOW);
delay(1000);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
float getVoltage(int pin){
return (analogRead(pin) * .004882814);
The scematic is the one provided by sparklefun ( circ-11)
I've just added an temp-sensor to the 5V, ground and anolog pin 0.
I'm not that good in drawing scematics haha, sorry.