For my school project, I'm currently working on a robot that reacts to a fire. Each room has some sort of sensor (Smoke or Heat), once it get's triggered it would go to the fire panel, then the fire panel would contact the server which in turn goes to the computer of this robot. It would move to this point relative to it's current position in X and Z axis.
My question is, what steps should I be taking in order to make a virtual layout of a floor in a house for example; and should I be using AI or external software for this?
I've not much experience in Arduino, or C++; however I've spent the last 4 years with LUA. From what I know, the two are not similar in almost any way.
For my knowledge, in a nutshell I could probably just make a Fire Alarm system at best.
To determine path route, there are several maze solving algorithms, described in detail on line.
But first, your robot needs to know where it is in X and Y, and in which directions it can move. That is where your pencil and paper layout will come in very handy, as a guide for writing the code.
A stiff challenge for n experienced developer.
Apart from moving from the current coordinates to a new location, you have doors, walls and other variable challenges, which demand a known map of the floorspace (and known obstacles) - as well as strategies to get around blocked pathways etc.
If you get this working, you’ve already got your thesis 80% complete.