Ok I have 6 keys, but I am only using 4 for entering the text.
(This is a combined keypad and LCD query so its in this subject )
I needed to be able to enter two 8 char team names on a scoreboard project via a small remote control unit. ( I want to use this commercially so didnt use the multitap library )
I am happy to say I have the sketch working so far without any help , ( any suggestions welcomed ) and a lo-tech proto running :-
The cursor starts top left as normal, and the up and down buttons sequence through the alphabet and numbers for that block.
The cursor stays where it is until you have chosen that character, and you then press left or right to move the cursor to the next block where you want to change the character.
You can go left or right, and it wraps round when it reaches block 0 or 32 .
( The display I am using is a Topway LMB162A and the scroll and auttoscroll functions of the LiquidCrystal.h library do not seem to work - I dont need them , I'm just pointing out my display might be different in other ways. )
The CL key works fine, resets all to blank, and returns cursor to 0,0 .
The S key will later send the data from each block via the RFM12B wireless module ( top left ) The big 4700Mfd cap above the keypad is to supply current from the 3v3 supply when the Tx draws a surge.
What I need now, is for a key to be held, and the character sequence fast forward ( like setting an alarm clock ) to save hitting the key many times to get to the number required.
I have done this before by letting the loop run through again and again while the key is pressed, but I can't find that sketch now.
Of course the if(key) function will only see a change in key and ignore the same one.
I tried including KeyState getState() but it says its not declared in this scope but it looks like a function of Keypad.h ?
Is there another option to if (key) that will not cause debounce hassles ?
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // we need this library for the LCD commands
#include <avr/sleep.h> // powerdown library
#include <avr/interrupt.h> // interrupts library
char key;
int botRow;
int button; // integer of button ascii number
int blinkLoop; // loopcount for the cursor blinking
char chars [] = {
'J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','-','.','?' };
char blockChar [32]; // the actual character for each block to display and send
int q [32 ];
/////////////////////////////////////// keypad settings ////////////////////
const byte ROWS = 2; // two rows
const byte COLS = 3; // three columns
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
'C','U','L' }
, // row 1 // CLEAR, UP, LEFT
'S','R','D' }
, // row 2 // SEND , RIGHT , DOWN
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {
19, 18 };
byte colPins[COLS] = {
15,16,17}; // Create the Keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );
LiquidCrystal lcd(4,5,6,7,8,9); // define our LCD and which pins to user
int block ; // 0 - 31 character position numbers 0 - 15 top row, 16 - 32
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2); // need to specify how many columns and rows are in the LCD unit
//lcd.clear(); // this clears the LCD. You can use this at any time
Serial.println(" setup");
for ( int x = 0; x <=31; x++ ) { // clears all the blocks to underscore which will show as blank on board
blockChar [x] = 0 ;
lcd.display(); //enable lcd display
blinkLoop = 0;
resethome (); // clears display and zeros cursor
block = 0; // start at block 0 top left
for ( int x = 0; x <=31; x++ ) { // clear all values for all blocks
q [x] = 0 ;
void loop()
blinkLoop++; // blink cursor so shows difference between E and F for example
if (blinkLoop > 500) {
lcd.cursor() ;
else {
lcd.noCursor() ;
if (blinkLoop > 1000) {
blinkLoop = 0;
char key = keypad.getKey(); // reading the keypad
if(key) { // same as if(key != NO_KEY)- did something change?
Serial.print("key read =");
button = key; // integer version of ascii
checkbutton (); // actions for each key
void checkbutton () {
Serial.print("key pressed = ");
if ( button == 67 ) { // key = C or ascii 67 Clear
Serial.print("key ch = ");
resethome () ;
Serial.println("key check = cancel C ");
if ( button == 83 ) {// key = S or ascii 83 Send
Serial.print("key check =send S "); // still got to write this bit
if ( button == 76 ) { // key = L or ascii 85 LEFT
Serial.print("key check = L cursor left ");
block = block--;
if ( block < 0 ) {
block = 31 ;
Serial.print("block ");
if ( block >15 ) {
botRow = block - 16 ;
else {
if ( button == 82 ) { // key = R or ascii 82
Serial.print("key check = R cursor right ");
block = block++;
if ( block > 31 ) {
block = 0 ;
Serial.print("block ");
if ( block >15 ) {
botRow = block - 16 ;
else {
if ( button == 85 ) { // key = U or ascii 85
Serial.print("key check = U char up one ");
q [block] ++;
if ( q[block] >39 ) {
q[block]=0 ;
Serial.print("q = ");
blockChar [block] = chars [ q[block] ];
Serial.print("q ");
Serial.print("= ") ;
lcd.print(blockChar [block]);
if ( block >15 ) {
botRow = block - 16 ;
else {
if ( button == 68 ) { // key = D or ascii 68
Serial.print("key check = D char down one ");
q [block] --;
if ( q[block] <0 ) {
q[block]=39 ;
Serial.print("q = ");
blockChar [block] = chars [ q[block] ];
Serial.print("q ");
Serial.print("= ") ;
lcd.print(blockChar [block]);
if ( block >15 ) {
botRow = block - 16 ;
else {
void resethome () {
// lcd.print("per="); for later showing period minutes
// lcd.print(chars [3]);
// lcd.print(chars [1]);
block = 0;