A start to programming

Hello everyone! I am new to this community and the arduino platform. I would like to hear from you what book would you recommend for beginners?


A book ? I recommend to try the examples that are in the Arduino IDE, you learn along the way.
The reference for all the Arduino functions is online, you have to read that a lot.
Start with the easy examples, and buy a few sensors and a display. If you run into trouble, ask on this forum.

A book ? I recommend to try the examples that are in the Arduino IDE, you learn along the way.
The reference for all the Arduino functions is online, you have to read that a lot.
Start with the easy examples, and buy a few sensors and a display. If you run into trouble, ask on this forum.

Ok Thank you for your suggestion

I have never used an Arduino book but back in the day I bought several large programming books. In my experience you need to read through the book in a shop (or on Amazon) to get a sense if it covers the things YOU need to know and if it does so in a style that you find suitable.

Trawling through examples and tutorials on the web has the advantage of being free if you decide you don't like them.

The Arduino is programmed using the C/C++ language. It would be useful to gain some familiarity with that and this Cplusplus website may be a useful reference source. But keep in mind that an Arduino is a very very slow computer with very little memory compared to a PC.

If you are familiar with programming in another language it will make the learning a lot easier.


I am familiar with python.

I am familiar with python.

Then you will be familiar with many programming concepts that are common to all languages. I think the biggest difference with C/C++ is the requirement to specify the type of all variables before they are used. I think it will be fairly obvious that the dynamic typing used by Python is inappropriate when you only have 2K of SRAM.
