A transistor assortment


I'm going to need some transistors for projects. That's a very vague statment but that's the most precise I can be. I'm sure I'm gonna need a 2N3904 (or close). I also know I'll need one to drive a water pump.

But I'm thinking long term ish and thought it would be a good idea to buy several kinds ([like these](http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/ArkAAMXQJRhRckXO/$(KGrHqJ,!lwF!emOQJBEBRck(N7cO!~~60_35.JPG): you get 15-25 references, 30 pieces each, making a total of four billion to choose from) but I have no idea about which type I should favor.

In your opinion, which references can be the most usefull to an electronics enthusiast?

Some Logic Level, Low Rds N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs. Easy to drive from Arduino, good current capability.

Just for completeness you should get the 2N3906 PNP match.

The average guy will never use more than one type (of N and P) of plastic package transistor. Just stick with a 2N3904/2N3906 combination and then consider a few power transistors or mosfets like CrossRoads suggested.

Just for completeness you should get the 2N3906 PNP match.

And just for those times you need a bit more current than the 3904 will furnish, pick up a few 2N2222 parts.

Hum...does someone have a good (and extensive) tutorial about transistors and their cousins (optocouplers, solid state relays, etc.)?

How do you choose one or the other before reading the datasheet? What are the core caracteristics that mean one will be better suited for one application?

Bianco, I think you ask too much :astonished:
Some people prefer their own favorite transistors. For example, the 2N2222 is typical a favorite transistor of someone living in the usa, and the BC547 and BC337 is more for someone in Europe :stuck_out_tongue:

The components that you need depends on the project.
If you want to know what is a common cheap component, search on Ebay for the cheapest one.

A simple thing as a diode is already not simple. The 1N4007 is a common 1A diode. But sometimes a diode with lower voltage drop is needed, so you need a schottky diode like the 1N5822. For another project a fast diode is needed like the UF4007 or the small 1N4148.

I think it is impossible to have a set of components that is good for many projects. I might have a few hundred different components, but I still have to buy things for every project. I'm sure that others on this forum have over 1000 different components and they must buy new components for almost every project.