I have this project for school where we are making a vending type machine,
the idea behind it is:
A candy machine wich gives cady 2 times a day with a 6 hour interval between those 2 times
Features 3 leds , 2-3 sensors , 1 motor , 1 button wich will be controlled
The idea is u got to put your hand by the mouth of the machine where there is a sencor that will light up 1 led indicating your hand,
then u push the button wich starts the process of turning a motor a controlled quantity then stops candy will drop in your hand,
the machine wont work unless your hand is under the mouth controlled by the sencor there.
Now the machine wont give cndy again for an other 6 hours , after that same process ,
after giving out candy 2 times it has to give again in 1 day from the first time.
So 2 times a day starting from the first and 6 hours between the 2.
All i want to know is will i be able to program this with Arduino meaning timer relay sencor led functions.
I know i probably schould of read the info on Arduino but ill be honest i cant find anything indicating what i want and to lazy to go on looking
I have the idea i schould be able to program what i want but want to be sure be4 i go any further,
who ever can answer my question , ill be really thankfull XD
(no never worked with Arduino but i know i little programming , i can manage by reading the sheets ect and am looking forward to it)
all i want to know is will i be able to program this with Arduino meaning timer relay sencor led functions
The Arduino can do what you outline. Whether you can make it do so remains to be seen. Fortunately, the compiler will force you to correct all of your capitalization, spelling, and grammar mistakes.
i know i probably schould of read the info on Arduino
Yes, you should.
and to lazy to go on looking
But, you somehow envision that you won't be too lazy to complete this project. I have my doubts.
i got a arduino with all the things i need to get started all i wanted to know is if what i wanted to do was posible,
i knew id get a smart ass comment but yea i cant do anything about it,
i stated i was lazy as a way of doing research to see if arduino is what i needed
but bla thx anyways bye
i knew id get a smart ass comment but yea i cant do anything about it,
Actually, there is: pay attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar and manners. As you'll find out when you leave school, these things do matter when you're dealing with adults.
Im not trying to be disrespectful or anything the fact i was corrected on something i didnt ask was unnecessary,
my first lan. is not english , english is my 4th lan.
im trying my best here and i dont appreciate a comment like that, talk about being a adult, act like one.....
Also i got arduino running a stepper moter with a stepper driver, 2 switches (left and right - 45 to 360 degree angles and more) and a regulator,
thx anyways for taking your time to reply :).....