A Typical Configuration

I'm trying to mimic the typical configuration on the datasheet (page 6), but I'm not quite sure where to connect some of the pins (CLKIN, Dout(9:0), Frame_valid, Line_valid, PIXCLK). Does the Dout pins connect to the digital pins of the arduino? Can you also check whether or not my version of the connection is correct? Additionally, is there a way to bypass the ADC on this CMOS sensor and read its output voltages, not the bits? The voltage divider is used to power the VAA, VAAPIX, and VDD, which require 2.8V.
Edit: I forgot to connect the SDATA and SCLK in the inital PNG (Attempt3). Updated in Attempt4. Attempt4 updated again with missing VDD.

MT9V0011Data.pdf (1.14 MB)

You've got Sdata and sclk wired together on the left side of the resistors which isn't going to work. They should go to the right side of those resistors.


You don't have Vdd connected.
Voltage divider is not a good way to source current unless the "picked off" current is under 10% of the total current flow.
In this case 3.3V/118 ohm = 28mA just in the resistors. The part itself needs 25 to 36mA. You should use a 2.8V regulator.
The other signals, which will be the massive amount of data coming out, will be at 2.8V. The arduino needs 3V input to recognize a valid high. So you really need a level translator chip.

I just updated Attempt4.PNG with the VDD. Besides the power problem and resistor placement, is the other connections acceptable? Sorry about the messy wiring.

Be easier with a schematic, that fritzing stuff stinks.

Sorry, I'll try to get a schematic posted as soon as possible.

When you draw your schematic, don't draw it with the chip upside down.
Pin 1 should always be in the lower left corner. ALWAYS. (unless the chip is shown vertical and then upper left corner)

The placement for pin 1 is somewhat strange for this CMOS sensor. Pin one is the digital power, which is located in the middle on the right side.

The datasheet showed a surface mount square fine pitch chip but your fritzing showed a dip. I couldn't find a dip on google so I am confused about that. I couldn't find anything in your post stating that your fritzing does not match the package you are using .
What's up ?
I just saw the schematic with the square chip . Was that there before ? I must have missed that.

Sorry, I didn't know what would be the best way to represent the chip in Fritz, so I used the "mystery part" option as a stand-in. I have posted the schematic.

Ok, looking better with the schematic.
AGND needs connecting. Reset/ needs connecting.

Back to an earlier question - what will be done with all the data this part generates?

If I can make a suggestion . You can avoid all the drawbacks of the methods you are using to post a schematic by reverting to the Old School method of pen and paper and take a photo with your cell phone. Wouldn't that allow you to write anything you want, like even PIN NUMBERS ?

I don't see any 4.7k ohm pullup resistors on your I2C bus ?
What's up ?

Thank you for the advice. I will remember that for my next project. The datasheet recommends a 1.5k ohms resistor for the I2C.

I'm part of a research project that is making a fitbit-like device that measure contents in the blood, such as sugar. Spectroscopy is used, so that is where the CMOS will come in play. My team is responsible for finding a way to interface the CMOS sensor with the arduino. In the project, the CMOS is supposed to output analog voltages to the arduino for conversion, where the data will be saved to an SD card and sent to the cloud. Once there, the frequencies will be compared to already measured frequencies then displayed on an application. However, the problem is that it seems the CMOS can only output bits, not analog voltages. Is there a way to bypass the CMOS's built-in ADC. The schematic has been updated with pin numbers and connected AGND and Reset. The line near number 26 is just to make it clearer that pin 26 is Dout3.

Hi, when you repost a diagram or image, please do it in a new post, updating an existing post confuses anybody first ready this thread.
We cannot follow how you have changed your project if you keep copying over the existing diagram that the rest of the post is refering to.

Hope to help.

Tom......... :slight_smile:


Here's another schematic in case it helps.

MTV9V0011.pdf (955 KB)

I have had no problem with the changes. Original schematic had pullups at the top.I can see the point for new-joiners to the thread.

However, the problem is that it seems the CMOS can only output bits, not analog voltages. Is there a way to bypass the CMOS's built-in ADC.

Hmm, well this device is a camera, and outputs camera data.

The default mode outputs a VGA-size image at 30 frames per second (fps). An on-chip analog-to-digital converter (ADC) provides 10 bits per pixel. FRAME_VALID and LINE_VALID signals are output on dedicated pins, along with a pixel clock which is synchronous with valid data.

Spectroscopy seems to be different (Wikipedia):

Spectroscopy /sp?k?tr?sk?pi/ is the study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy.[1][2] Historically, spectroscopy originated through the study of visible light dispersed according to its wavelength, by a prism. Later the concept was expanded greatly to comprise any interaction with radiative energy as a function of its wavelength or frequency. Spectroscopic data is often represented by a spectrum, a plot of the response of interest as a function of wavelength or frequency.

So somehow you are going to radiate the sample and then get a picture of the colors created using this sensor and analyze those?

Your I2C bus pullup resistors are the wrong value. They should be 4.7k

1.5K is from the datasheet.