A way to protect pc and Arduino?

is a Schottky diode on vcc be decent enough?

but what about data line what are my options?

i heard of ADuM3160 but not sure if it also protects data line

i will mostly be working at 5volt

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Protect from WHAT exactly? Line surges? USB noise? I/O pins?

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A DC to DC approach is best for Vcc (+5 or +3.3 Volts) logic.

Data line protection (ESD) is built into the microcontroller. This is satisfactory for on-board and short off-board connections. For a switch/actuator at a distance from the Arduino, extra protection may be warranted.

Arduino data voltage protection at DuckDuckGo

Arduino AVR ESD protection at DuckDuckGo

Arduino "crowbar" voltage protection at DuckDuckGo

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