A wireless switch

So basically I have a electric water pump at home that uses an automatic failsafe system which disabled flow of water if the water tank is empty to ovoid frying the pump. That failsafe system has a button on it that you can press to restart the waterpump. Latelly my water pump has shown some issues with its pressure therefor the failsafe activates at random times when someone is trying to take a bath or do the dishes, and the proccess to get to the water pump and restart it is kinda hard, especialy if is dark outside. A new waterpump will arrive in a couple months due to some random sortage. So I have been thinking of a temporary solution to make the "RESTART" feature wireless with arduino. Any ideas? I have no idea what I should do to make it do the same thing like if I was pressing the button. I have some equipment, like the ESP8266 that could help me connect with my phone by using a browser interface or something.

Any idea is helpful and welcome!!

One of the first questions when going wireless is what is the range. How far between transmitter and receiver?

Second is the environment. Does the signal have to travel through walls, or other obstructions or is it line of sight?

The answers to those questions will help guide to the wireless solution.

No Arduino is required.

These remote pushbuttons might work (for 110/220 VAC you will need to interface them with a solid state relay, SSR).

Remote AC power switches like these are another option:

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i would repair faulty failsafe system so it control only tank water level

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