AA Battery sorter...help!

so we are doing a project in my engineering class that requires us to create a battery sorting machine, i know how to get a Arduino to read a voltage but i cant figure out how i can get the computer to decide if it is good or bad and sort the batteries. any ideas?

You need to look at the battery characteristic to know the charged and discharged voltages .
It varies with battery type and with some types a poor indicator of state of charge .
Google is your friend ...

How you sort them is the next issue , but I’m sure you don’t want people here to do all of the project for you

If a battory is "good", "average" or "poor" is a question of definition. The measuring technic can also be discussed. Measure the battory without or with load? What load should be used in that case?

any ideas?

if(dutVolts < ratedMinVolts){
  // batt. failure, do something
else // passed

In general, a new alkaline AA will have a(n unloaded) voltage of about 1.6 V. Below 1.4 on the other hand, is generally not good at all.

Testing under load - say 100 mA - is a good idea.

I agree. A fully charged alkaline shows some 1.55 or higher. 1.50 I consider as "half down" and below as "not much left".

Found one R3 at 1.1 volt today. The clock was running but the motor driven alarm did of course not go off.

battery sorting machine

Does it have to HANDLE the batteries??