[Abandoned] Linux: Trouble upgrading from 1.00 to 1.01 and arduino 328p

Hello guys!

I was writting a project for the university until I decided make an upgrade. If I know don't upgrade upgrade! Upgrading arduino is becoming in a russian roulette to me.

i found some post on internet over it, but i don't undestand it fine. Please can somebody help me any more?

avrdude: Can't find programmer id "arduino"

Valid programmers are:
c2n232i = serial port banging, reset=dtr sck=!rts mosi=!txd miso=!cts [/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf:791]


I did not do the "upgrade". I just downloaded and unpacked the new version into a local directory, created a link of the arduino shell script in that directory, and moved the link to my desktop.


I want thank your help SurferTIm, here and my old posts. Also want to thank to other persons that helped me in some lost post, that I forgot to respond mainly because i did not have enough time.

I must end my project urgently and end my studies. I don't have time for look the installation problems now

I restored my gentoo from a backup and I blocked arduino v1.01 for future updates
