Hello I want the lcd16x2 interface with aurdino uno esp8266 and dht11 temperature and humidity monitoring on thingspeak server
And I want world peace and a red Ford Mustang GT.
What have you done to realize your project? What do you want from us?
I am done all the connection but I am noob in programing in need program for this
Use the forum Google search function in the upper right of this page to search for the key words of your project. You will probably find many similar previous project discussions and code to get you started.
I would guess that all of the named components have an associated library, and those libraries have example code.
I want to comined dht11 lcd display and esp8266 thingspeak server code
See reply #4.
And all the other replies.
No one is going to write the code for you. However we will help you to get it done.
The best thing that you can do, in my opinion, is to break the project into smaller parts. Get each part to work on its own. Then when you have the parts working, individually, put the parts together for the final project.
Connect the DHT, alone, to the Uno and get it working. Do a Google search for "arduino dht11 tutorial" for lots of information.
Connect the LCD, alone to the Uno and get it working. Which LCD do you have? Which interface does it use (8 bit parallel, 4 bit parallel, I2C)?
Which ESP8266? What does the ESP do for you?
Post a schematic of the wiring.
Good suggestion in #7 by @groundFungus.
I suggest You to first get the LCD working. Then You can use the display for test messages during developing the other parts.
Hello I am doing project Real Time monitoring of transformer parameters like temp, humidity, oil level,voltage,current with iot by using esp8266 any one have circuit diagram of this project
Use the forum Google search function in the upper right of this page to search for the key words of your project. You will probably find many similar previous project discussions and code to get you started.
"Report to Moderator" is not considered a viable "reply" option.
From where does the data you collect have to be visible? On the Internet or on some network local to the esp device?
I want to collect data from dht11 and send it to lcd display and esp8266 on thingspeak server
So you want to, at regular intervals, collect temperature data etc. using an esp8266 and attached sensors, display the latest data collected on an lcd display, and also post that data to a thingspeak server.
Google for:
Esp8266 web client
Esp8266 thingspeak
Esp8266 lcd1602
Also a remarkably similar post from the op here:
Any code for program
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