About getting dashboards ID with events

I am planning to share my dashboard to the clients.So,I need to know which owner press a button or change a value on dashboard.How can get it?

There are millions of dashboards out there, which one do you have? Can you post a schematic, not a frizzy picture and links to technical information. Maybe it is available via some existing communication?

I am using arduino iot cloud. There is create dashboard with arduino iot cloud. So, Just I want to know, let say only one buton on dashboard,and I have 5 owner.Which owners press that buton? Because, this buton will trigger a function. So, I need to know owner details.

Hello @limitpozitif

as of now, it's not possible to know which user pressed a specific button on a shared dashboard.

Can you tell us what you want to achieve? Maybe there are other ways to solve the problem.

Thanks for your response.Let me try explain what I want to do.
Hardware is controlling a water pump.In case of any fire alert, the users will need more pressured water on pipe line.So, any of them will trigger Fire button on his own dashboard.But, I need to know who is trigger this alert.For example USER_1 ,USER_2..... USER_nn.
Means, which dashboard send this event to the board?
Thanks and best regards.

Maybe a solution could be having a button and a variable for each user, this way each user will press only their button. If you want to ensure each user sees only their button, you can create one dashboard for each user.
bool fire_mark
bool fire_john
bool fire_patrick

If you make them READ_WRITE you can also trigger a callback on the sketch that prints which user triggers the pump.

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