I tested the IR Infrared Transmitter Module and Ir Receiver Sensor Module:
used code below.
- the serial monitor data:
val =1023
val =1023
val =24
val =26
val =1022
val =1023
val =25
val =1022
IR Transmitter ON: val = 25;
IR Transmitter OFF: val = 1022;
I keep the IR Transmitter ON, why the val readings alternately?
- I toward the IR Transmitter to Receiver and the readings keep continue come out as above, nothing readings come out when I moved the IR Transmitter away for a moment and toward to Receiver again, unless I turned the IR Transmitter OFF and ON again. why?
Thanks for help.
int IRreceiverFL = A0; // left SERVO to 47
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.print("File : "), Serial.println(__FILE__);
const char compile_date[] = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
Serial.print("Compile timestamp: ");
pinMode(IRreceiverFL, INPUT);
void loop() {