About using capacitive sensor in Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to use the CapacitiveSensor library with the Nano 33 BLE REV2, but it seems like it has a different microcontroller and system design. I'm asking for help: is it possible to detect touch without adding additional touch detection components, only using this arduino board?


Try not to post the same subject under different topics.

Thank you for your reply. Actually, this is a different question. The previous one was about trying it with just the Arduino Nano 33. For the BLE Sense Rev2, that code is not working due to the different microcontroller inside the board. I am asking if someone can help me with this using a different method. Thanks!

What "capacitive sensor"?
The APDS9960 chip allows for measuring digital proximity and ambient light as well as for detecting RGB colors and gestures.
The gesture and proximity bits are, IIUC, IR-based.

Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 Cheat Sheet | Arduino Documentation

Like a touch detection sensor, I can use pins to detect if someone touches the conductive material or not.

An external touch sensor?

Why bother (??) given the gesture/proximity facility built-in ?

The chip is completely hidden inside my 3D model, and I want to detect activity on the model's surface. :smile: So, I have no idea how to use the chip itself to achieve this. Could you please help?

Perhaps you might link to this "capacitive sensor" ?

Thanks, just send new one linked to sensor area