abt Arduino Duemilanove

can i know where i can buy it and how much it cost??did it come with the software d?thx...


I would highly recommend Adafruit.com's starter kit for about $65. They now include the Arduino Uno instead of the Duemilanove, but I believe they are very similar, but with a cooler silkscreen. :stuck_out_tongue: At ladyada.net there's software links under the arduino tutorials.

if i bought the Arduino Duemilanove will it come with the sofware????if where can i download???

Getting Started-> [Choose your OS]-> Read

Download-> Arduino 0020 -> [Choose your OS]

Basic internet navigation ;D

It doesn't comes with a software. The software is free and the Drivers are in a folder inside the software download.

can anyone teach me how to make a tic tac toe game???without using Arduino Duemilanove???reply asap...very urgents...

can anyone teach me how to make a tic tac toe game???without using Arduino Duemilanove???reply asap

Take a piece of paper. Draw two parallel lines. Rotate the paper 90 degrees about the normal to the largest plane. Draw two more parallel lines that intersect the original parallel lines, like this:

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No Arduino's were harmed in the making of this game.

I made one in 1965 that just use switches and torch (flash-light) bulbs. It had a tone of wiring in it and was unbeatable. However I don't think I still have the circuit.

Kenz, in case you hadn't noticed this is a forum for users of the arduino system.