I am currently working on a project where I need a bunch of relais.. And these are about 12$ i thought about ac multiplexing.
I saw this: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=19524.0 but since this is 9 yrs ago i thought about asking again so I did. is the MAX4508 still the thing to go? Or which multiplexer should I use?
This is an XY problem. You are asking us to help you with your solution to a problem. How can we say that your solution will work if we know nothing of the problem. Perhaps there is a better solution.
What are the relays driving?
What are the rated voltage and current of the relay coils?
Years ago I worked on a project that used the MAX4509 to switch audio sources. cool chip.
Each switch pin of the MAX4508 is limited to 30ma, so as Fungus said.