If you like or get help from this project, you can support me. ( my paypal account: arduinofunding at gmail.com ); So I can share more Arduino applications in future. Or just let me know how you enjoy or think of this project. Thank you.
The things, which I want to improve in future, are upgrading my arduino board, building wireless (xbee) network between arduinos and iOS device, and developing a graphic user interface (GUI) on iOS devices. So you can control and monitor the system with a compact and smart phone, not a bulky computer with Labview!!!.
This is a project of using Arduino with/without Labview to realize PID control through manipulating AC phase for power supply. To demonstrate the effects, three videos will be provided first. Detailed introduction about this project, circuits and code information are given after that.
It needs to be noted that you may find other work also providing AC phase control. But my work emphasizes the PID control through incorporating AC phase control. Details can be found in section 3 for code.
0. Demonstration Videos
Three videos were recorded for demonstrating effects from my work:
•Breathing light – using Arduino for AC phase control without working with Labview (Standalone version; used Code 1) Watch the video here Breathing light - using Arduino board - YouTube
•Light dimmer and Breathing light – using Arduino and Labview for AC phase control (External system version; used Code 2) Watch the video here Light dimmer and breathing light - using Arduino board and Labview - YouTube
•PID controller with automatic AC phase control for an application requiring constant temperature (working with and recording through Labview; used Code 3) Watch the video here Arduino and Labview for a constant temperature application - YouTube
Table 0.1 Codes comparison[/center]
1. Introduction
I have built an in house automated optical fiber manufacturing system with accurate temperature and product quality control using four Arduino boards. This system comes with notable accuracy in temperature control (±1 ? error at 900 ?) and reliability in quality control (±5 µm error in relation to 125 µm outside diameter of optical fiber) for specialty optical fiber fabrication. A 2,400 watts customized radiation furnace is operated automatically through a proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller to maintain a constant high temperature during optical fiber fabrication. It has the ability of either working as a standalone system or with a Labview user interface for specialty optical fiber fabrications. With the use of Arduino boards, this system is also programmable for other tasks. I would like to share part of my work to help those who need a PID controller through automatic AC phase control in their applications.
Figure 1.1 High power radiation furnace[/center]
!!!Safety first. An isolation transformer is highly recommended.!!!
2. Circuit scheme - zero cross circuit and trigger circuit
As shown in the system layout (Figure 2.1), there are two circuits used for control. One is zero cross circuit. The other is trigger circuit. A multi-meter is used to display real time furnace temperature measured from temperature detection circuit. The two control circuits were built referring application notes [1-2]. If the control circuit needs to be adjusted for other applications such as motor speed control, these references can help you redesign the circuit.
Figure 2.1 Control circuit[/center]
2.1 Zero cross circuit
Zero cross points are the points where AC phase crosses through x axis (see below Figure 2.2). This circuit detects the starting point of an AC phase.
Figure 2.2 Zero cross points[/center]
2.1.1 Scheme
Figure 2.3 Zero cross circuit[/center]
2.1.2 Parts list of zero cross circuit
• Resistor
R1,R2, R3, R4: 100k ohm
R5: 470 ohm
R6: 10k ohm
R7: 5.6k ohm
Note: All resistors are 1/4 watt. The resistors in the circuit scheme are paralleled. I used such an arrangement because these are what I have at hand. If you have power resistors, these paralleled resistors can be replaced.
• Diode
D1, D2, D3, D4: 1N4002
(Or you can use a bridge to replace them.)
• Transistor
Q1: 2N3904
• Optoisolator
U1: H11A1
2.2 Trigger circuit
Trigger circuit works for triggering triac to turn on the power. Because of the high current (over 10A) in my application, a CPU heat sink is used to cool down the triac (see Figure 2.1).
2.2.1 Scheme
Figure 2.4 Trigger circuit[/center]
2.2.2 Parts list of trigger circuit
• Resistor
R1, R2: 1k ohm
R3: 5.6k ohm
R4,R5,R6,R7: 720 ohm
R8,R9,R10,R11: 9.6k ohm
• Optoisolator
O1: MOC3063
• Capacitor
C1: 1nF
• Triac
](Trigger circuit | laiforum | Flickr)](Zero cross circuit | laiforum | Flickr)](Zero cross points of AC Phase | laiforum | Flickr)](AC phase control circuit | laiforum | Flickr)](Furance ON | OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA | laiforum | Flickr)](Codes comparison | laiforum | Flickr)