AC_IN question...


I'm not sure whether this question fits in this topic, but I don't know where else to turn :frowning:

I have previously bought a laser which I managed to hook up fine, it's a basic package with a driver circuit board and the laser itself, there are 2x2 wires coming off the board, 2 for power - clearly labelled AC_IN, and 2 for micro controller control - clearly marked GM (green mode).

I have recently bought exactly the same laser and the circuit board is slightly different, it has no marking to say AC_IN but yet there are four wires (2x2) the circuit board is very compact and disables you from seeing what's written in between the chip and the in.

Here's the picture:

It's the top right four wires that I am confused as to which one is which.

The blue and red wires I can see V1 or I as the top is cut off from view, and there are - and + on either side of each set of wires.

If it helps identify the correct AC_IN, the red from the white and red wires goes straight into the chip below, would that be the first input of the current or control the brightness through the chip?

If it helps any further as you can see in the picture the ends of the blue and red wire have been stripped off and twisted, would that indicate that the laser has been tested and that's why the two ends have been stripped - to power up?

I would absolutely love it if someone could help me identify the AC_IN, I'm sorry if this is technically not an arduino question but I really wanna hook this bad boy up!



Please take a high res. macro foto from both sides of the board

I'm really sorry my dad's gone off with the camera and won't be back till sunday, and all I have is the inbuilt camera in my mac, and my phone!

I think my phone might be better:

You should really disconnect the wired for the foto, they disturb seeing where the copper lines are going. Also bend up Q1, that would help.
Also could you tell us what the circuit is build for? :slight_smile:


I will take some more pics and get the wires out of the way.

The board is laser module driver.