Accelerate blink code example

I have been playing with the Blink example:

int i = 35;
int maxInterval = 500;
int interval = maxInterval;
bool accelerate = true;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  interval = accelerate ? (interval - i--) : (interval + i++);

  if (interval < i) accelerate = false;
  if (interval > maxInterval) accelerate = true;

I have built a 1x1x1 LED cube, and this is a good pattern for it!

No, I wasn't being sarcastic. The 1x1x1 is good enough, it is used in an exhibit with 3x3x3, 5x5x5, to balance the 11x11x11 monster. I have just been to lazy to do something with the 1x1x1. It is briefly visible here Maker Faire Hannover 2017 Highlights - YouTube (there is blue lettering saying 1x1x1).