accelerometer mpu6050 controlling a servo motor using a hc-module(master/slave)

hello, i've been working on a project for my school and now im stuck in a code. I have to controll the servo motor by using the accelerometer mpu6050. i've writen a code master and slave but it doesnt work. The servo motor is like stuck when the 2 hc-modules connect. Can someone help me check the code to see if there is something wrong?

#include "Wire.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050.h"
MPU6050 mpu;
int ax, ay, az;
int16_t gx, gy, gz;
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define BT_SERIAL_TX 4
#define BT_SERIAL_RX 3
SoftwareSerial BluetoothSerial(BT_SERIAL_TX, BT_SERIAL_RX);
int servoValue1;
int gyro_value = 0;
void setup()
void loop() {

mpu.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
gyro_value = map(ax, 0, 170, 0, 9);
switch (gyro_value) {
case 0: BluetoothSerial.print("0"); break;
case 1: BluetoothSerial.print("1"); break;
case 2: BluetoothSerial.print("2"); break;
case 3: BluetoothSerial.print("3"); break;
case 4: BluetoothSerial.print("4"); break;
case 5: BluetoothSerial.print("5"); break;
case 6: BluetoothSerial.print("6"); break;
case 7: BluetoothSerial.print("7"); break;
case 8: BluetoothSerial.print("8"); break;
case 9: BluetoothSerial.print("9"); break;
default: BluetoothSerial.print("0"); break;

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define BT_SERIAL_TX 4
#define BT_SERIAL_RX 3
SoftwareSerial BluetoothSerial(BT_SERIAL_TX, BT_SERIAL_RX);
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
char servo_val = ' ';
void setup()
void loop()
if (BluetoothSerial.available()>0){
servo_val =;
int servo_deger = servo_val - '0';

  switch (gyro_value) {
    case 0: BluetoothSerial.print("0"); break;
    case 1: BluetoothSerial.print("1"); break;
    case 2: BluetoothSerial.print("2"); break;
    case 3: BluetoothSerial.print("3"); break;
    case 4: BluetoothSerial.print("4"); break;
    case 5: BluetoothSerial.print("5"); break;
    case 6: BluetoothSerial.print("6"); break;
    case 7: BluetoothSerial.print("7"); break;
    case 8: BluetoothSerial.print("8"); break;
    case 9: BluetoothSerial.print("9"); break;
    default: BluetoothSerial.print("0"); break;


   BluetoothSerial.print(gyro_value + '0');

Don't type 12 lines of code when one will do. You won't impress anyone.

int servo_deger = servo_val - '0';

Are you sure that you don't need a long to hold values in the range 0 to 9?

The code you posted does something. You forgot to tell us what it actually does.

You expect the code to do something. You forgot to tell us what you expect.

The MPU6050 returns the instantaneous rate of acceleration in the x direction, the y direction, and the z direction. You need to explain how the instantaneous rate of acceleration in the x direction can possibly relate to servo position.