Accelerometer, Ultrasonic sensors and IR sensors (for line-followers)

Hi everyone,

do you know the book Arduino Robotics by Warren, Adams and Molle? I find that it has nice projects inside. I don't know if it's worth the price it's usually offered, but I've got a solution if you're searching for this book. Please note it's only about Robotics and you'll already need to be confident with the Arduino IDE to make this projects inside.

I just wanted you to know that I'm selling an Arduino related book and other stuffs on ebay. Check out my auction here:

Also I'm selling an accelerometer, ultrasonic sensors and IR sensor.

I hope it's not called s**m because I'm only helping people to find great stuffs at the lowest prices around.

I will be out to Panama in a few weeks and I need to sell these things as fast as I can.

P.S. if this is gonna be considered spam, and this account will be banned, this means I'll really have left the Arduino community. Thanks to each one of you guys for having made Arduino platform such a great experience while I was studying at the University.

Best wishes,
