Hi everyone! I am currently working on a project in which the light glows when the door is opened..
The problem is.... The door and the light are far away from each other.. Can you tell me to overcome this? Thanks
hi !
one good solution would be a nrf24l01, a SSR (or a relay) and a pro-mini
there is so many ways to do that
Please correct me if I am wrong.. I want to transmit the data from the accelerometer (via a NRF24L01 or something else) and then receive the data(through SOMETHING) and feed it into the Arduino. Which will then make the lamp glow with the help of a relay. Is there any way of doing this?
Is there any way of doing this?
Uncountably many ways, and the number keeps increasing.
Be more specific if you want a more specific reply.
Can you tell any of that methods... That is easy!
hi !
with a pro-mini, get the signal from the door, then send it over a NRF24L01, then receive it back to another arduino (also equipped with a NRF24L01), then affect a pin that will trigger a SSR to light up your light.
for this, you will need to wite some code into both arduino, this is very simple. there is a lot of youtube tutorials related to NRF24L01.
have a nice day
Thanks, Thats what I was also into..
Will get you notified when it is done!