Access denied to upload files in Micro SD card - Arduino YUN

Hi guys, i have a problem when upload the sketch "TemperatureWebPanel" via WiFI, in the IDE says: "alerta: Problem accessing board folder /www/sd", so I can not upload html files to the MicroSd.

I read this tutorial and I have put the MicroSD in the socket, but still have not managed to solve this problem.

I have Dealt With All possible commands:

ls -la /mnt /mnt/sda1 /www
chmod -R g+rw /mnt/sda1
dmesg | tail
chmod -R g+w /www /mnt

i try to release the required permissions to read /write in / mnt/sda1 but When wanting to test the file "text.txt touch" throws me this error: "touch: text.txt: Input / output error". Now If That is not really a problem if my plate or a permissions problem.

Also I have tried creating the directories in the microSD / arduino / www, but sige throwing me the error, "Problem Accessing board folder / www / sd
"In the Arduino IDE. Really now what to do, please help!

Thanks c:

Beware that messing with file permissions can lead to hard to debug error messages
Have you formatted the SD card to FAT32 or some other common file system? Mind that exFAT (or FAT64) does NOT work.

PS: don't duplicate your own posts. It's against netiquette

Hi Federico, yes, I've tried FAT and FAT32 but still follows me out the error

Try this command on the terminal (SSH) before uploading the code.
This worked for me

ln -s /mnt/sda1 /www/sd

Try this command on the terminal (SSH) before uploading the code.
This worked for me

ln -s /mnt/sda1 /www/sd

Cheers! That solved it for me.