Trying to access the public variables and methods of one class instance from another class instance, and currently have the following errors:
..HPLRover_Motors.cpp.cpp:5: error: expected initializer before '&' token
..HPLRover_Motors.cpp.cpp: In member function 'void HPLRover_Motors::output()':
..HPLRover_Motors.cpp.cpp:15: error: 'hplrover_radio' was not declared in this scope
As you can see in the main sketch I create an instance of HPLRover_Radio as hplrover_radio. I execute to get commands from a serial stream.
I want to access both the public variables and methods in the instance of HPLRover_Radio from the instance of HPLRover_Motors.
I currently am not obviously properly referencing back to the instance created in the main sketch. I guess anothejr alternative would be to pass the pointer to the radio instance to the motors instance?
Most grateful for your help, still getting to grips with C++ as you can see! Of course any other criticisms of my code are most welcome.
Here is the code from the main sketch
#include <HPLRover_Common.h>
#include <Event.h>
#include <Timer.h>
#include <HPLRover_Radio.h>
#include <HPLRover_Motors.h>
HPLRover_Radio hplrover_radio;
HPLRover_Motors hplrover_motors;
Timer scheduler;
void setup() {
scheduler.every(1000, one_second_loop, 0);
// loop() is called rapidly while the sketch is running
void loop() {
void fast_loop() {
Serial.println("fast loop");
void one_second_loop(void* context)
Serial.println("One second loop");
void init_commands() {
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.velocity_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.velocity_val = 0;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.direction_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.direction_val = 0;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.heading_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.heading_val = 0;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.rotate_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.stop_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.step_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.lights_mainbeam_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.lights_mainbeam_val = 0;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_pan_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_tilt_rx = false;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_sweep_rx = false;
Here is the code from the HPLRover_Radio header
#ifndef HPLRover_Radio_h
#define HPLRover_Radio_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class HPLRover_Radio
struct data_stream_command_in_type {
boolean velocity_rx;
int velocity_val;
boolean direction_rx;
char direction_val;
boolean heading_rx;
int heading_val;
boolean rotate_rx;
char rotate_val;
boolean stop_rx;
boolean step_rx;
boolean lights_mainbeam_rx;
int lights_mainbeam_val;
boolean cam_pan_rx;
char cam_pan_val;
boolean cam_tilt_rx;
char cam_tilt_val;
boolean cam_sweep_rx;
static struct data_stream_command_in_type radio_cmd_in;
//Initialise the radio
void init();
void read_radio_data_stream();
static void send_radio_data_stream(void* context);
void clear_buffer();
char serial_char; // value for each byte read in from serial comms
int serial_count; // current length of command
char buffer[100]; // buffer for serial commands
void stream_register(char command[], int command_length);
The HPLRover_Radio .cpp file
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "HPLRover_Radio.h"
#include "HPLRover_Common.h"
struct HPLRover_Radio::data_stream_command_in_type HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in;
serial_count = 0;
// Init
void HPLRover_Radio::init()
void HPLRover_Radio::read_radio_data_stream()
Serial.println("Read radio data stream");
if (Serial.available())
serial_char = Serial.read(); // read individual byte from serial connection
switch (serial_char) {
case ':' :
buffer[serial_count] = null_terminator;
stream_register(buffer, serial_count);
case ']' :
cmd_process = true;
buffer[serial_count] = serial_char; // add byte to buffer string
if (serial_count > 100) // overflow, dump and restart
void HPLRover_Radio::send_radio_data_stream(void* context)
Serial.println("Send radio data stream");
void HPLRover_Radio::stream_register(char command[], int command_length) { // deals with standardized input from serial connection
if (command[0] == cmd_stop)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.stop_rx = true;
if (command[0] == cmd_step)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.step_rx = true;
if (command[0] == cmd_cam_sweep)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_sweep_rx = true;
if (command[0] == cmd_velocity)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.velocity_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.velocity_val = (int)strtod(&command[1], NULL);
if (command[0] == cmd_direction)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.direction_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.direction_val = command[1];
if (command[0] == cmd_cam_pan)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_pan_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_pan_val = command[1];
if (command[0] == cmd_cam_tilt)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_tilt_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_tilt_val = command[1];
if (command[0] == cmd_heading)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.heading_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.heading_val = (int)strtod(&command[1], NULL);
if (command[0] == cmd_rotate)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.rotate_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.rotate_val = command[1];
if (command[0] == cmd_cam_pan)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_pan_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_pan_val = (int)strtod(&command[1], NULL);
if (command[0] == cmd_cam_tilt)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_tilt_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.cam_tilt_val = (int)strtod(&command[1], NULL);
if (command[0] == cmd_lights_mainbeam)
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.lights_mainbeam_rx = true;
HPLRover_Radio::radio_cmd_in.lights_mainbeam_val = command[1];
void HPLRover_Radio::clear_buffer() { // empties command buffer from serial connection
serial_count = 0; // reset buffer placement
buffer[serial_count] = null_terminator;
The HPLRover_Motors header file
#ifndef HPLRover_Motors_h
#define HPLRover_Motors_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class HPLRover_Motors
HPLRover_Motors(); //Constructor
void output();
And finally the HPLRover_Motors .cpp file
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "HPLRover_Motors.h"
#include <HPLRover_Radio.h>
extern const HPLRover_Radio::hplrover_radio& hplrover_radio;
void HPLRover_Motors::output()
Serial.println("Motor output");