I need to store the data from my sensors nonstop for weeks at a time and check the files once-twice a day. I can do it with a wifi/ethernet shield and a web server, but I'm looking for something simpler. Can I be storing data onto an SD card and viewing the log file on my PC simultaneously (without removing the SD from arduino)? i'm using a Mega for this. Thanks
You can't view the file directly. You could send a command over serial to the mega and have it dump data to a serial port and capture it on your PC.
I'd go the web server route myself though.
Yeah, that is a possibility, but still cumbersome if I need to keep my PC on at all times. I'll just make the internet logging work. Thanks for the answer!
If you don't want PC involved, you can download the file from SD, but I guess it depends entirely on what windows of spare time you have, size of file etc., about which you say nothing, and "non-stop" is a relative term that doesn't explain anything.
The simplest solution is to download it as you need to via bluetooth. I just send the relevant filename and pick it up on the phone, all using a bluetooth terminal. The bluetooth log file has all the traffic recorded, so there is no problem in distinguishing between multiple files. The DumpFile example included with the IDE has all you need. I use 115200 but, since Windows is not involved, you may be able to go to 1382400, which I understand is the maximum rate for HC-05, and shift a hell of a lot of data in a hurry.
Similarly, you can use bluetooth to view the action live on the phone.