accurate gyroscope logger


I'm new to Arduino and I want to make a gyroscope logger that can log accurate data with fixed sample rate, and store in SD Card as CSV or TXT file.

I have these module :
Arduino UNO
Arduino NANO
Arduino GY-85

my question is:

  1. Which gyro module is best for my project? (accurate and High Speed)
  2. How I can fix gyro sample rate? (25 or 50 or 100 ,... The highest as possible)

thanks :smiley:

somthing like this:

why nobody answer me?! :frowning:

No one knows what gyro is best for your project.

Try several out, and pick the best.

  1. How I can fix gyro sample rate? (25 or 50 or 100 ,... The highest as possible)

How I can fix gyro sample rate?

That is described in the gyroscope data sheet.