I got this large OLED display from adatfruit:
My problem:
I want connect with arduino/esp32 using SPI. With L2C, because documented - i have successfully conencted the boards and working.
My question is, i have saw this ,,hat" have 4 wire SPI conenction, but in documentation there is no any sign about this, however, have a nice library (not too much information about pins):
I have also a waveshare variant of this display with dedicated SPI pins, but this have dafault just SPI conenction, just with rewire resistors can have L2C:
Have this adatfruit OLED SPI conenction pins? pin numbers? or just L2C have pins on ,,hat"?
I think adatfruit documentation level almost is a tragedy however not cheap:(
Another question, if this adatfruit OLED have only L2C conenction. What if i want connect with Arduino UNO but.... i have also a SI470X radio modul, what using L2C style conenction: SDA, SDL and reset pins? Can i connect both?
thanks for any help