Adafruit 2.23" Monochrome OLED Bonnet connect with SPI?


I got this large OLED display from adatfruit:

Adatfruit 2.23" OLED

My problem:

I want connect with arduino/esp32 using SPI. With L2C, because documented - i have successfully conencted the boards and working.

My question is, i have saw this ,,hat" have 4 wire SPI conenction, but in documentation there is no any sign about this, however, have a nice library (not too much information about pins):

I have also a waveshare variant of this display with dedicated SPI pins, but this have dafault just SPI conenction, just with rewire resistors can have L2C:

Waveshare 2.23" OLED

Have this adatfruit OLED SPI conenction pins? pin numbers? or just L2C have pins on ,,hat"?

I think adatfruit documentation level almost is a tragedy however not cheap:(

Another question, if this adatfruit OLED have only L2C conenction. What if i want connect with Arduino UNO but.... i have also a SI470X radio modul, what using L2C style conenction: SDA, SDL and reset pins? Can i connect both?

SI470X radio modul

thanks for any help

I got myself the true about these displays.

Waveshare have default SPI, adatfruit ssd1305 have only L2C connection.

Still i dont know how can i connect lookslike two L2C device on same board.

If by L2C you mean I2C then as it is a bus protocol you can connect multiple devices to the SDA and SCL pins.

As long as the devices have different I2C addresses then they will all work, but you may need to use pullup resistors on those lines if the devices do not already have them

Here comes the problem what from im fear. I try connect a oled what have address and a fm radio modul what wont have any address (in library definition). Tomorow i will try out and also include a photo, pin layout, library names.

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