I would like to use a Adafruit Data Looging Shield in my Project.
The board I'm using is latest Leonardo. I wonder first why the RTC is not working, then I found on the Adafruit page following:
Do not use Analog pins 4 or 5 with your project in combination with this shield, even on Arduino boards that use different pins for I²C communication (Leonardo, Mega, Due). For compatibility with “classic” (pre-R3) Arduino boards, the shield connects SDA and SCL to Analog pins 4 and 5, respectively; communication and analog readings would mutually interfere. Leonardo users should likewise avoid Digital pins 2 and 3 when using I²C.
I need to use pin 2 & 3 for interrupts and have no alternative with my different sensors.
Unfortunatly you can't see it in their wiring diagram but it seems that D/I 2 & 3 are as well wired?
Is there a possibility to change something to the shield to use SDA and SCL pins beside the AREF pin on the Leonardo or is it a problem inside the Leonardo?
Kind regards Christoph