Adafruit Feather 32u4 (RFM69HCW Packet Radio) plateform definition

I need to do some conditional compilation tests plateforme dependant.
In particular, i have to distinguish the arduino uno and the Feather 32u4 plateform.

Can you tell me the arduino plateform name for the Adafruit Feather 32u4 plateform ?

#ifdef "Feather 32u4"

Many thanks and happy new yeaur !

Can you tell me the arduino plateform name for the Adafruit Feather 32u4 plateform ?

Use File + Preferences, and enable verbose mode when compiling. You can see the command line options passed to compile when compiling for the two boards. Base your ifdef statement on the command line option for the not-an-Arduino board.

I've found it easier to look in the appropriate boards.txt file. Depending on which board you're using, these files can be in a number of places. On my Win7 installation I have them both in a sub-folder under the Arduino installation folder and in a sub-fold of AppData under my user profile:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino

Try going to these folders and searching for 'boards.txt'.

In the file, look for lines like:

Where xxxxx is the board name and yyyyy is the variable name you want. For example Adafruit Feather 32u4:

Now, take the variable name and prepend the string "ARDUINO_" to it. Use that in your conditional statement:


Many thanks for your help !
best regards.