Adafruit GPS settings using xbee

I have an adafruit breakout board gps connected to an xbee in one room and a recieving xbee in another, is there some way to get the xbee to talk to the gps and send it the typical arduino commands to exclude some NMEA sentences etc, i.e. :


Im using xbee s3 and adafruit ultimate gps v3.

You know, if the GPS and the XBee are at the same voltage logic levels and baud, you can hook up the GPS directly to the XBee and send the raw GPS data to the remote Arduino. Not sure if that fits your project, but it's an idea.

As for configuring your GPS, it is (probably) possible. First answer the following:

1 - What GPS are you using? Are you using the "Adafruit Ultimate GPS"?
2 - What GPS library are you using?