Adafruit GPS shield, what pins does it use?

Im building a project using the Adafruit GPS shield, which pins does the shield use?

Im using 2,3,4 for the GPS and my code uses 10 for the SD card.

They are the only pins i reference and everything works, does it use any other pins in the background? this site seems to suggest its using 11,12,13 aswell

Perhaps you could check adafruits info on the shield: LadyAda gps shield wiring.

Yeah i have to wire it up, but it doesnt tell you if those pins are used all the time or not.

I have TX, RX and PWR, the rest of those wires aren't connected but the code uses 10 to connect to the SD card, but the rest aren't connected. But does it use any of the others? that site suggests it does?

There is no wires connected to 10, so it thinking other pins may get used with no wires connected.

I'm not quite sure what you are asking.

Here's a quote from the page on the shield:

The SD card must be connected to the Arduino digital pins 13, 12, 11, and 10 for it to work and so those pins are 'taken'. The GPS module interface does not have to be connected to any -particular- pin so they are left free for you to jumper with common wire.

So pins 10,11,12, and 13 are used by the shield, plus some additional pins that you select for the GPS serial interface. The other details on the page tell you that the GPS module needs TX, RX, and PWR pins which I guess you have connected to pins 2,3 and 4.

Ah ok i have it now, didnt realise that paragraph, so basically in total im using 2,3,4,10,11,12,13

Kinda limits it a bit!

Thank you.