Adafruit Jewel- turn on/off singular leds

[ ... sp=sharing]( ...)Hi all,
I'm trying to apply the same animations I coded for 5 leds in a 7 LED Jewel, the ones you can see in the video, with three different colors depending on the animation: yellow for gradually fading, green for lighting a strand, red for blinking.

Link: ... sp=sharing

My issue is separating the central LED from the circular ones; same animations, just different timing.

I've been wasting the morning just trying to reply the strand animation with no success; the most similar thing to my blinking leds (3rd animation)I found out, was this easy neopixel example.
Sadly, it doesn't allow me to change color, neither to get blinking the radial ones:


Blink bright white light from a single Neopixel!


#include <EasyNeoPixels.h>

void setup() {
// setup for one NeoPixel attached to pin 13
setupEasyNeoPixels(6, 1);

void loop() {
// turn the NeoPixel ON
writeEasyNeoPixel(0, HIGH);
// turn the NeoPixel OFF
writeEasyNeoPixel(0, LOW);

Any help is very appreciated.

Your friendly neighbourhood maker,